Ten Of Winter The Victorian Fairy Tarot


Ten Of Winter

Not all relationships between elves and animals are harmonious. Some creatures are very protective of their territory and don't welcome uninvited people. Here, we see a genie wandering around the badger's territory. It emerged from the ground, growling angrily. To escape from the fearsome foe, the elf was caught in a cold bush of thorns, caught between the fury of the badger and the knife-like thorns. The empty landscape in winter made it impossible for him to find refuge. The wings were torn and unusable. Exhausted, defeated, brooding in fear and pain, the genie came to an end.

When you come across this card while reading:

The Winter Nine (Nine of Wands) shows the fear, and the Winter Ten shows the fear you have to face. You can release the worsening negative hallucinations that are churning in your mind. Now is the time to assess vulnerability and observe the situation closely, leaving no room for fantasies and denials. As a battlefield metaphor, this is your time to bury your fear of death and join the army of suicide. If this card comes up in the question about choosing the future, the answer is clear: don't bring disaster to the body.

Keywords: disaster, doom, ending delusions and rejection.

Universal Weite Tarot Card Ten of Swords Ten of Swords

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The Victorian Fairy Tarot

If you want to use tarot cards to solve daily problems, Victoria Elf Tarot is a new choice for you. When you enter the fascinating world of fairies, getting information from cards is like receiving gifts from elves. It is a way of teaching us to use spiritual insight.

The Victorian Elf Tarot combines romance and elegance with Victorian, mystical fairy tale imagery and the wisdom of the tarot. Guiding you on your journey is an in-depth fairy tale that explains each card and teaches you how to apply them. This deck of Victorian Elf Tarot cards meets the standards of the Waite Tarot, giving us a comfortable and romantic atmosphere.

Buy Recommendation: The Victorian Fairy Tarot

Original link Ta19 Tarot divination


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