[NFT Art Creator ⑥] Tezos chain experience in one year

Ann Chou
It has been a full year since I minted the first NFT on the Tezos chain. Looking back on the past year, it is really incredible. I have completed many projects and achievements in web3 that I could not participate in so frequently in the real world. Half a year has passed since the last experience pack, and I decided to change the name of this series from "Vegetarian Creator" to "Art Creator" to give myself some expectations for the future. (Recorded on Jan 28, 2023)
Graphic version: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn__4YXL-fJ/

1. Development review

It has been nearly half a year since the last article, and it will also be a year since I stepped into NFT. I have experienced bull and bear markets in the past year, participated in domestic and foreign exhibitions, and adjusted my personal mentality in combination with market and community creation. do a review.


2. Creation and sales

■ Past film review series

  1. Status: Very low price and edition.
  2. Question: Even though my sales performance has been good when I participated in community creation activities in Taiwan, the price of the main series of works has not increased for a long time, and the number of collectors has stagnated, which makes me lack confidence and motivation to publish works.
  3. Solution: At the suggestion of friends, set up a price increase plan for the last few works released, and inform the collectors of the plan. If it is sold within a certain period of time after the release, the next price will increase by a fixed percentage. Finally, with the support of the collectors, the first-level price of the previous generation of painted film critic series dropped from 0.7 xtz to 3 xtz.
Graphic version: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn__4YXL-fJ/

New E-film review series

  1. Status: The work starts at 6 xtz and gradually increases to 10 xtz, about version 10-22.
  2. reason:
    . Selling works at a reasonable price in my opinion, even if they cannot be sold out for a while, is much more important than setting a low price because they want to sell.
    . The secondary market is unpredictable. I have seen all kinds of artists. The same sales strategy may not work for different people and at different times, but find what you care about most, maintain your own motivation to create and issue NFT, and form an A virtuous circle is the most important thing to me .
Graphic version: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn__4YXL-fJ/

3. Community Management

■ Fan Club

Since I often feel alone to promote works on various platforms, I need to feel supported by fans, so I made some changes to the original small community of Taiwanese collectors:

  1. In September, the original community was disbanded, and a support club and a new fan community were created through the akaSwap system. Members of the support club can get a share of my work sales through the system mechanism, and I also ask members to help share and spread my works .
  2. I planned the tasks of the fan club, asked members to help me share Twitter articles, and held several fan community activities to gather the solidarity of the community .
  3. Asking community members their views on the mission of the support club through an anonymous questionnaire , whether it is approval or complaints, is support for me.

September-December works and Ann Chou fan club activities
akaSwap support club: https://akaswap.com/artistclub/annchouii

■ Twitter Operations

Since my goal is to get my work seen by the world, I also started actively running twitter in September.

  1. Make new artist friends by buying and sharing
  2. Maintain community interaction and participate in chat
  3. In addition to posting NFT sales information on Twitter, I also share my exhibitions, thoughts on creation, and my life to create an image of a professional artist

It was very difficult for me to comment on other people's works, but it has become much easier after long-term practice.

■ Community management status

  1. Since Twitter changed its operating policy several times at the end of 2022, tweets have become more difficult to spread than in the past, and it is difficult for me to see each friend's article. This is what I am currently worrying about, so I also started Go to the Discord of various platforms and exhibition organizers to meet new friends.
  2. I'm still not a gregarious person, and I take myself away from social media every once in a while to give myself a break to recharge.
  3. It is really not easy for creators to maintain creation, promotion and community management at the same time. The biggest gain I have gained is actually the experience of personal time management and execution energy allocation .

4. Development experience

■ First half of 2022

The first half of the year, when I participated more frequently in Taiwan's community creation activities, was a period of laying the foundation for me. I created a lot by participating in community creation activities, and I was seen by more people, allowing me to accumulate a certain number of fans, and quickly understand what I like and value. The transparent nature of NFT transaction data allows us to easily observe the sales results of other artists, and it also allows me to learn how to stabilize my mood.

■ Second half of 2022

I am more focused on personal creation, trying to produce works that break through myself again and again. This way of operating makes me feel more at ease. At the same time, I tried my best to apply for opportunities to exhibit works internationally, and accumulated several exhibition experience at home and abroad. These exhibition experiences were beyond my imagination. After all, the exhibition of physical paintings requires a huge amount of cost in reality. NFT digital exhibitions use everything becomes easy.

In addition, I was also very lucky to meet two friends who gave me a lot of help on the creative road in the second half of the year: Artic Poor and Nullbaysea. Artic Poor's advice on my business and Nullbaysea's willingness to score my productions have been extremely helpful.

2022 Taipei Blockchain Week, Taipei, Taiwan
2022 NFT ART CON 2022, Mandana Warehouse, Chiang Mai, Tailand
2022 Christmas Party, NFTUK, The Lockdown Room, London, United Kingdom
2022 "Sound & Vision Vol.1", ONBD, OM oncyber IRL gallery
2022 "Sound & Vision Vol.1", ONBD, New York, US
2022 "Community Gallery #20", imnotArt, Milwaukee, US

2022 Livestream MEME TUESDAY, “Sound & Vision”

Five, finally

I think that NFT is still in the pioneering period whether it is creative realization or commercial development . This degree of freedom allows each creator to have different ways of participating. We can be artists who study creations, become darlings of the community, and be collectors who support other creators at the same time. This is a way to make friends, earn income through creation, and it may even become a stepping stone to meet dignitaries in the workplace. Perhaps the current bear market is really relatively deserted, but you can still continue to participate in the community and publish works, and only by accumulating now can you gain future. Creation is a long road, and only by doing what one loves can last for a long time . In 2023, I also look forward to learning new creation skills and trying more NFT development possibilities.

Graphic version: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn__4YXL-fJ/
This article will be published on Matters and Fangge at the same time.
For art cooperation commissions, please email bunnyteeth.annchou@gmail.com
Ann Chou is an art creator who loves movies and whiskey. She has published picture books and won the 2022 3x3mag merit award. Became an NFT creator in early 2022, mainly active in the Tezos chain, and published many creator experiences. WebsiteNFTTwitterInstagram


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Ann ChouAnn Chou 喜愛電影和威士忌,既是藝術家,也是行政愛好者。以自己架設的品牌營運系統,紀錄每次發行作品的企劃案與過程。曾出版繪本及獲得獎項 2022 3x3mag merit 。於 2022 年初成為 NFT 創作者,主要活躍於 Tezos 鏈,並發表多篇創作者心得。 https://linktr.ee/annchouillust_NFT
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【程式學習日記】六角學院:2023 JS 直播班

NFT 藝術創作者心得
7 articles

【程式自學日記】六角學院:2023 網站切版直播班