I really want to revisit the animal island paradise "The Galapagos Islands"|Podcast Lazi Happy Life EP103

Clam? What Gioaba Islands?

Listen to the link: I really want to revisit the animal island paradise "Galapagos"

"Clams? What Gyoaba Islands?" was my first reaction to the name.
But in fact, this is the beginning of the famous UNESCO's first No. 1 world heritage Darwin published the theory of evolution
[and The Dream Land of a Bio-Control Storyteller]

Let's talk about the magical island we fell in love with, where you can become an island version of Snow White and get up close and personal with iguanas, tortoises, sea lions, sharks and other animals.

Plus screening

"Day Change" article: Following in Darwin's footsteps - a lesson I learned from the animal island paradise "The Galapagos"

than human tortoise

marine iguana

Sea lion falling on the road

Fang Zi's " La La Shou Travels Around the World " theme open for subscription

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