[Water] Zhihu Liberal Deism

First time hearing about neoliberalism and welfare state

Zhihu Mr. Lin, a well-known liberal "scholar"; good at 360-degree criticism of the Communist Party, from Marx to Hegel, from Confucianism to neoliberalism, as long as it can prove that "Vietnam" is terrible, then any position can be Picked up by him, and then stepped on it later (if this position can be considered by him to "clean the ground" for the CCP, the speed of stepping on the foot will be faster).

It is such a person who pretends to be full of philosophy even if he has no knowledge and skills, and made such a thesis that "neoliberalism in politics refers to the welfare state model". Pfft hahaha.

I will not mention how much European liberal scholars hate the welfare state now, thinking that this model of buying voters is a hateful Leviathan that hinders the functioning of democracy. Suffice it to say that the most fundamental item of (even classical) liberalism, as the free trade itself, is the distaste for state interference (for welfare).

But just such a Chinese "liberal scholar" embodies the so-called Chinese-speaking liberals who are ignorant and incompetent. You can also get thousands of likes and tens of thousands of likes on Zhihu. Zhihu is a forum for extreme right-wing demons.

Here I should have criticized China's wall for causing the pinks and liberals alike to have their ability to access information so greatly diminished that their level of debate is based on hallucinations and self-indulgence. However, I suddenly remembered matters

Zhihu, as a forum for extreme right-wing demons, even allows an ignorant liberal to flourish.

On the other hand, Matters, as an anti-Chinese Christian, Ai-ge has read the Bible and really understands Christianity very well. Just because of the discord between values and liberals, he will be banned forever. Where is the "freedom beyond the wall" that liberals love to blow?

@William What about the face ?


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