Maybe it's a pen pal | The love that didn't work out

a half year dream

It was the wedding of my best friend in middle school. I really like to wear dresses, but I can’t marry myself casually, so I have been looking forward to being a bridesmaid since I was a child, and I have told my friends this message in many stages of life. That day was me The moment of dream come true, although it is not the first time.

The bride hired his girlfriends from three periods of his life to be bridesmaids. Naturally, the groom also found three best men. There must be many checkpoints in the morning wedding, and they tried their best to tease the man. At noon, they arrived at the domineering rented room. The activity center eats the flowing water mat, and continues to assist the retreat to the new house of the couple after eating.

In the new house, one of the groomsmen who is not tall is being bullied by other groomsmen, although I think maybe this is a show of friendship from men, but they first want to undress him, and then use his nickname "Chicken" to make fun of him , and asked him to do some strange movements. Seeing his embarrassed expression, I asked the bride

"Do they usually play like this?"

"ㄟ~ Enough is enough! Don't play around in my new house"

So the crowd dispersed, and he began to pack up his mess. I looked at him and didn't talk.

On the day of the wedding, the couple posted photos of the day on their Facebook. Both he and I left messages below. This was the first time I saw his Facebook account. Out of concern, I asked him privately.

"How are you?"

"Oh~ It's okay! It's always like this, I'm used to it!"

Since then, my relationship with him has started.

Cupid comes on a carrier pigeon

Later, we chatted on Messager for a few days, and we had a very good conversation. Every day, we talked so reluctantly that he had to go to bed. Later, he told me that he was quitting Facebook because he was preparing for the national exam. He asked me Can you give him the address so he can write to me, it's kind of funny that people still correspond in this day and age, I gave him the address and we started pen pals.

He is a peony Aries man, even if he didn’t confess, he can still feel love from his words. Even so, I was worried that I would make a mistake. After all, I am 3 years older than him. Although I don’t care, I do. I don’t know if the other party cares, until one day I saw an inquiry about our story on the PTT Gemini board, and I saw him clearly asking how to make the Gemini he likes like him more , Since then my heart has really settled down.

On that day, the bride gave me the bouquet directly

Although he will not send me letters every day, he will write to me every day. It is said that his hometown is in a rural area, and it is not convenient to send letters, so he will always accumulate a few days and send them to me again, and I After reading his letter, I wrote a long letter back to him, and half a year passed like this.

I have something important to tell you after I finish the exam

Every time I open his letter, I can feel how much he looks forward to seeing my reply, and why am I not like this? It turns out that it is so easy to restrict a person, even without instant conversation, as long as the right letter is sent at the right waiting time, it can motivate people to continue waiting for the next letter.

The time for his exam was getting closer and closer, and he began to write the countdown time in each letter. At first I thought he was counting down the exam time, but later he told me that it was the countdown to our important day, he said he After the exam, he will come to Taipei to find me immediately, and he said that he is really looking forward to that day.

There is only one week left before his exam, and he asked me to give him a word of blessing in the letter, so that he can face the important exam with full motivation. I forgot what I wrote, but it probably It's the passage I wrote the most out of my heart, and I probably also drew patterns like love hearts. God knows that even my past boyfriends have never written such disgusting sentences.

He wrote me letters until the day before his exam, he said that he had to concentrate on the next few days, but he would take the letter I gave him to take the exam together, as if I was accompanying him to the exam, he said that he would definitely If you pass the exam, you will be able to speak those important things to me in a proper and formal manner.

come to a screeching halt

As the date of his exam passed, I began to look forward to the day when he would come to see me, but time passed day by day, and I still hadn't heard from him after a week. Later, I started to see his footprints on Facebook, and I sent a message to ask him how is he doing? He just responded to me plainly, even though there are only words, I can feel the change of emotion from it.

This time I went to PTT to ask what it means. I have to say that the villager is really Keyboard Conan. Someone read my article and found the one he posted at the beginning, and told me that the other party must have been delayed by something, not me all the way. I'm always making mistakes, so I need to wait a little longer, but this matter really affects my mood, so I mustered up the courage to ask him what's wrong?

"I don't know what's wrong with me. After the exam, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. I was also thinking about what happened these days, but I didn't find the answer."

"okay, I get it!"

What an absurd ending, we have been ambiguous for half a year with such a strong letter, and then it stopped abruptly at a certain moment, although I really want to scold him, but I can't force my feelings. I originally wanted to throw away the big stack of love letters, but I felt it was a pity anyway. After all, we were so sincere at the time, but they stayed with me. Every time I saw it, I felt that it was reminding me of this ridiculous story.

In the end, I decided to take pictures of all the letters he wrote to me, took a big envelope bag, sent all the letters back to him, and wrote the last letter, still wishing him that he could find his family soon. Happiness, and these letters are all written by him, I will return them all and let him decide their ending.

From that day on, I never heard from him again. Even though I knew how to find him, I didn't try to care about his follow-up, so I naturally don't know the whereabouts of those love letters. Once, I felt that this experience made me very embarrassed. After all, I seemed to be the one who was left behind. I also tried to think of many reasons for his sudden change of attitude, but I couldn't understand the reason after all.

But looking back now, I can still remember the time when we became each other’s pen pals, and I can still believe that he and I treated each other sincerely for more than half a year, and I am still very grateful for this unfinished relationship. I have any regrets, probably because I sent all the letters back to him in anger at that time, otherwise I can take it out and read it now, and reminisce about the youthful time. As for the photos I took, they have long since disappeared with the phone up.

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