coming! Submission test!

(This is the last post!!!) Come on! I'm (not yet) ready! Take the test, let the horse come over!

ah... ah... ah! ! ! There is another sub-test, common sense has to memorize history, mathematics has to be reviewed, English has to memorize new words, Chinese has to memorize vocabulary, and the test is next week, do you want us to collapse...

There are six lessons of common sense, two easy and four difficult. Although all of them have been warmed up, they are just not familiar with me! Either forgetting the year and date or forgetting the names of characters or events, reciting those four lessons will really lead to doubts about life...

Needless to say, mathematics must be the subject I feel the most desperate. I have to count and use my brain. With my head that is often blocked by stones... 80% of the time I can't do it...

The most worrying part of Chinese and English is the composition part. I am afraid that the sentences will not make sense, and the words will suddenly forget how to write / string together. The composition content is too complicated and full of errors and omissions. Then there are the fill-in questions, (middle) not only have to be familiar with the endorsement, but also remember how to write it. It is difficult and risky, and I call it the "Terrorist Two-point Question". English words don't need to be memorized, don't worry, just find the wrong place and fill in the blanks to be afraid of spelling mistakes & don't know what to write.

By the way, warm the book. . .

Good luck with my exams...I hope I get an A in math...I hope I remember those years in the general exam...I hope I don't feel so nervous in the oral exam...

See you on the update day of "Fox's Rest"!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

MiuMiu我是一個六年級的學生,在爸爸推薦後來到Matters作文,因為上學關係,間中才一篇文章,請多多關照! 多數寫小説和生活小事,希望大家會喜歡我的文章喔~( ^ω^ )
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