2022.7.25 Hong Kong Court News Compilation

法庭線 The Witness
Spotlight: Case of 47 | He Guilan, Yuan Jiawei and other 4 people filed applications and announced the decision after 9.15.

"Court Line" is a Hong Kong court media that started operation in May 2022. It was founded by former court reporters. It adheres to the principles of independent, accurate and impartial journalism. It hopes to continue to witness records in Hong Kong and the court scene in the ever-changing era. All reports are open to the public free of charge, and rely on readers to pay subscriptions to support operations. "Court Line" website and subscription support on various platforms


The 47-person case | He Guilan, Yuan Jiawei and other 4 people filed the application and announced the decision after 9.15

48-year-old man accused of molesting relatives and son of 10-year-old female classmate broadcast police video in court

|Social Movement|

Two men involved in assisting a remand boy to delete data case closing statement

11.19 Conflict at PolyU|16-year-old girl confessed to rioting and was sentenced to a training center: the defendant had the courage to plead guilty after growing up

11.13 Central|Two male students illegal assembly case opened trial

PolyU conflict|28-year-old surveyor accused of assaulting police near campus, resisting arrest and other crimes


Mei Qiming pointed out that the film "Anita Mui" infringing officer pointed out that there was no reasonable chance of winning the claim

41-year-old woman accused of sending threatening letters to the Justice Center is being held by a medical officer for retrial on July 29


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法庭線 The Witness香港法庭媒體,由前法庭記者創立,秉持獨立、準確和持平的新聞原則。報道全部免費向公眾開放,有賴讀者付費月訂或年訂支持營運。 |網站及各平台:https://linktr.ee/thewitnesshk |付費訂閱:https://bit.ly/3l9vWC4
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