Known as the holy place for water, the spring water is cold and the water is sweet and clear


The precious sweet gift of nature, breathing phytoncide in the mountains and forests, watching the springs flowing out from the cracks of the stones, makes the human body feel a lot cooler in an instant.

You can also enjoy the beautiful valley on the side, where you can play with water a little or take it home to make tea or coffee

Located near Guguan Hot Spring on the way to Baxianshan National Forest, you can often see carts and trolleys queuing by the roadside to fill up water.

The clear spring water rolling down from the mountain wall is said to be the favorite water quality of many friends who like to drink tea or coffee, and many people make special trips to it regularly.

Breathing phytoncide in the mountains and forests, watching the springs flowing out from the gaps between the stones, makes the body feel a lot cooler instantly

Cool temperature, you can feel the coolness when you are close, and it is very comfortable to come here in the hot summer

Because everyone will pretend to drink it, we only have to let the fur kid step on the water on the roadside to feel the cold feeling... ( Continue reading )


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