Perth Diary Day 413: How to take life seriously

If you care too much about life, you won't be happy. You can't be happy if you're not serious about life.

My recent thoughts come from the observation of people around me. Some people care too much about many things. For love, they only want to pursue loyalty for a lifetime, and they can entrust their lifelong partner, but they have to face the nature of human selfishness and longing for freedom.

Some people hope to be respected by others, thinking that if they have money, they will have many friends, and if they have social status, they will be respected.

Some people feel that when they have a child, they have to be responsible for the child's life, save food and money, and use all their reluctance to exchange for the child's lack of cherishment.

For life, too much force, or even too much force, is exchanged for a sense of powerlessness over life, and a disappointment in the return of ideals and feelings to the reality of life.

But if you don't take life seriously and play games in the world, it seems that it is difficult to find a sense of responsibility.

Now I find more and more that the sense of responsibility to others can stimulate a person's greater potential, but this sense of responsibility is definitely not the respect for the elderly, loyalty and obligation that the secular culture forcibly instills in us.

Before a person fully lives out the freedom and dignity of the individual, restraining his body and mind and making him abide by the established stereotypes can only lead to the individual's excessive effort, because the true meaning behind it cannot be felt at all.

A lot of content in traditional culture is not wrong, it just requires each individual to go through the learning process and realize it slowly. Before that, forcing it will only lead to a hypocritical personality, and once such a personality becomes an elder, it will be easy. To become the inheritor of culture, only in this way can the unfortunate life he lived through be justified.

The attitude towards life corresponding to excessive force may be playing in the world and not caring about anything, so it is really easy to live a short life, because you don't care, so you can ignore what others care about, without the constraints of the world, Happy and free.

From the perspective of individual happiness, such a life is indeed happier than life under shackles.

But a non-serious attitude makes it difficult to form a positive influence on others. Because it is not serious, it is difficult to form a sense of responsibility. Without a sense of responsibility, it is difficult to form a thrust for the release of the individual's own potential.

The sense of responsibility to others can generate a stronger impetus and influence to just live your own life well. If you find an appropriate method, you hope to set an example, and finally you can promote yourself to achieve greater growth.

I have always been a very serious person, and I have used too much force in life, but there are many things in life, the harder you grasp, the more difficult it is to grasp, such as loyal love, dealing with friends, and Getting along with parents, yearning for material life.

I maintained a serious attitude and began to think about the presentation of these so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality in real life, and gradually discovered the true meaning that a person can only control himself.

We can't control how things go, we can't control how a relationship goes, we can't control how accidents happen.

The only thing we can control is whether our physical behavior can be faithful to the expression of our heart, but this seemingly simple thing is the most difficult thing in the world , because this kind of choice may be against the whole world. Sticking to the rules, maybe it is the opposition of everyone around you, maybe it is your inner fear of the unknown.

But the attitude towards one's own life is the only one that can be seriously chosen, and it is the point of focus that can be overemphasized. Forcing everything except yourself will only lead to frustration and disappointment.

After taking my own life seriously, I slowly began to gain control over all the interpersonal relationships around me. Instead of gaining control over the lives of others, I began to slowly realize the part that I can participate in in the process of getting along with others.

If you are serious enough about your own life and cherish your life time enough, you will not stop at individual enjoyment, but will want to make your time valuable to the greatest extent. This level of responsibility promotes individuals to seek self-realization .

And all advanced life realizations come from a serious attitude in life, not caring about the people and things that are beyond one's control, can almost eliminate all the troubles in life.

Just like love, you can’t meet it but you can’t ask for it. You can’t control the loyalty of your partner. You can’t control the growth and happiness of your children’s life. You can’t manage the relationship with friends alone. Ideally indestructible.

Because it all involves another individual's maturity level, people with different cognitive levels cannot make the same judgment on the same things, and there may be a gap between the two worlds for people with different maturity levels.

Therefore, we can only take our own life seriously, let go of things that are beyond your control, and only actively make our own efforts is the only correct attitude towards life.

Living in the present is not not serious, on the contrary, this is the most serious attitude towards life.

Philosophy is nothing but a sufficient summary of the understanding of human nature.

Socrates said that a philosopher spends his life preparing for death. This should be the most controllable way of life to take the uncontrollable life seriously.


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自由潜水教练olivier毕业于985计算机硕士,30岁后放下国内的所有,追求自由的新人生,思想于04年翻墙,肉身在18年才跟上了思想的步伐。曾在菲律宾教授自由潜,独居在malapascua岛的两年获得了思想的升华,目前移居在西澳大利亚perth。 希望通过分享我自身在自我流放中的感悟,带给他人更多的思考。 所有未注明出处的文章均为原创,谢绝私自转载。 本平台文章包括我自己的微信公众平台文章的备份以及审核不过的文章。
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