Matt City Amway Conference: Philatelic Stories

Stamps, small pieces of paper stamps, are the testimony of the journey of thousands of miles across the ocean and the precipitation of time.

Stamps, small pieces of paper stamps, are the testimony of the journey of thousands of miles across the ocean and the precipitation of time.

I have been collecting stamps since the fifth grade of elementary school. At that time, there was an activity in the monthly children's magazine subscribed by the school to collect monthly stamps from the book. After saving a certain amount and sending it back to the author, I will get free stamps. . I tried it out of curiosity as I had never been in contact with it, and I actually received a foreign stamp from the author. That makes me so happy that I have cultivated this hobby since then.

When I was a child, network technology was not so developed, only MSN and mobile phone text messages were the mainstream digital network communication at that time, and correspondence was still relatively common. Although mailing is still a trend, getting stamps is still difficult for me because I don't often receive foreign letters at home, and I can only exchange them by collecting stamps slowly. Sometimes my mother also buys some first day covers for me at the post office or book fair. At that time, I didn't have any friends who would like to share the joy of collecting and exchange excess stamps.

The convenience of the Internet had begun to develop in middle school, and the number of people who mailed letters had dwindled, making it even more difficult to collect stamps. Stamp collecting is a dull and long-term interest. Relatively speaking, the emotional stimulation it brings is not strong. It belongs to the kind of mediocre and long-lasting, which is undoubtedly boring for young people. I also gradually began to forget that I was collecting stamps in the process of collecting without progress, and the stamp book in the cupboard was never taken out and finally forgotten. Until I went for an internship in college, although it was the age of the Internet, big companies would always receive a lot of letters, so I came into contact with stamps again, and then I remembered my long-forgotten interest.

I didn't expect that this hobby has accompanied me for so many years without realizing it. The greatest joy in collecting stamps is the joy at the moment of harvest, the joy of appreciating various styles of patterns, and the satisfaction and fulfillment of collecting. Nowadays, the convenience of the Internet has made the use of stamps antique, and the channels for obtaining stamps have become more scarce. Online shopping has increased the speed of my stamp collection, but the purchase method has always lacked some old flavors. When I was a child, I always wanted to make regular correspondence with a pen pal who also had the same interest in collecting stamps, but I always had no one. This time , just because I am writing this article, I also want to find a pen pal who is willing to communicate by letter and mail, or friends who have the same hobby and just want to exchange stamps are also welcome to leave a message in the comment area.


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夏芊90后摩羯座女孩 最近忙很少上线,发了文章就下了。 不过一有空上线时就会回复评论和逐一给大家拍拍回。谢谢那些不离不弃给我拍拍的朋友们~
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