Wuhan locked down for 45 days: "I want to eat a piece of pork before I die."


Note: The original text was published on the WeChat public account Fanxiaoxi800 on March 9, 2020, and was later deleted by the entire network . This time is reproduced from the Australian Impression Network. If there is any infringement, please contact this account.

Some of my classmates and friends began to sink into the community in early February to become volunteers. Classmate Lu is my college classmate. He has been volunteering in the community for a month.

This place in the community, in Wuhan’s words, is the most tangled (difficult) place. Every day, we have to deal with various chores such as residents’ cars, sending patients, picking up and discharged patients, buying vegetables, delivering vegetables, and checking body temperature. It is inevitable that some quarrels will occur. The scolding thing. Classmate Lu said that during these days, he really encountered all kinds of strange people and things. Every day, he would make a small video of some things that go wrong and stretch them and send it to our classmates.

Yesterday, classmate Lu took the initiative to find me and said, "You should write about those old people. This is the group of people I have touched the most this month. The old people don't have mobile phones, they can't buy food in groups, and many don't even watch the news. I don't know. What happened in Wuhan, and where did the epidemic reach every day. Especially in the early days, many people were confused and sick, and some people thought it was a cold."

Lu is in charge of an old community in Wuhan. There are many places like urban villages in this community. Most of these houses were built in the 1960s and 1970s, and they are almost all low-rise bungalows, occasionally some three or four storeys high. In this kind of place, there is no unified front door and back door of the community, and it is very difficult to close it. At present, Wuhan adopts the method of "beating the siege". What is beating? Block up the intersection with some iron plates, scrap bicycles, etc.

(Picture and text are irrelevant)

Lu told me a lot of stories about old people, and the one that impressed me the most was the story of a mother-in-law surnamed Chen. In order to facilitate the description, I will use the first person of classmate Lu to tell the story of Granny Chen——

On February 12, the tenth day of the sinking community, I went door-to-door to investigate today as usual. On the way, I met an old couple. It looked like they were about 80 years old, and their hair was all white.

Wuhan is now empty. Seeing them holding hands, I suddenly felt wonderful and moved. I slowed down and asked them if they needed help to bring the dishes. At that time, the community in Wuhan was not completely closed, and a few people would continue to wear masks and go out to buy vegetables nearby.

In this way, I got to know this old couple, the wife's surname is Chen, and the father's surname is Wang. Mrs. Chen is more talkative. She told us that she and her husband have been married for 61 years, and her father has had cancer for a year and has Alzheimer's disease. They gave birth to 3 sons, married 3 daughters-in-law, and gave birth to 5 grandchildren in the three families.

Because of Alzheimer's disease, Dad Wang can't remember the names of his children and grandchildren, but he remembers a lot about Mrs. Chen. He can name Mrs. Chen Xiujuan, remembering that he was 22 years old and married Mrs. Chen. I remember that Mrs. Chen's birthday was the ninth day of the third lunar month. I remember the day Mrs. Chen married him, she gave him a red cotton handkerchief, and the two of them ate a bowl of beef noodles together.

In Daddy Wang's memory, there are no children and no time. It seems that not long ago, he married Mrs. Chen. He always held Mrs. Chen's hand with a smile and said, "This is my lover, and I want to be nice to her."

Later, the community was completely closed, and because I was too busy, I forgot to care about this old couple.

On March 3, Mrs. Chen called and said that Dad Wang's condition has been getting worse day by day, and I hope we can deliver food to the door. Mrs. Chen said a little embarrassedly: "We don't know how to surf the Internet, we don't have WeChat, and we don't know how to buy vegetables."

The next day, I went to Mrs. Chen's house with the vegetables. Dad Wang was lying on the bed, looking very weak. When I asked why I should go to the hospital instead of going to the hospital, Mrs. Chen said that his cancer was in a terminal stage, and he had no hope. Because of the epidemic, chemotherapy has also been interrupted for more than a month. What about going to the hospital?

I asked Mrs. Chen what was the matter and I could help. At this time, Dad Wang said vaguely, "I want to eat a piece of pork."

At the time, my nose was sore.

Mrs. Chen said that since the closure of the city, the price of vegetables has been high, and the price of meat has become more expensive (a while ago, pork was 70 yuan a pound) and supplies were scarce. The two of them hadn't eaten meat for a long time. Later, the community was simply closed, and the elderly were completely isolated from the outside world, and they didn't know how to buy food.

I asked, "What about your three sons? In fact, you can have them order vegetables and meat online and have them delivered."

In the jurisdiction I am in charge of, almost all the elderly do not have WeChat, do not understand online payment, and do not know any group purchases. Because their children are also isolated in other communities, they cannot deliver food to their parents. The children bought food in a group on WeChat, filled in their parents' addresses and phone numbers, and had them delivered.

Mrs. Chen said, "The sons don't care..."

I am a little angry. The old people have worked hard to raise 3 children all their lives. How can they not care about the life and death of their parents when they encounter such a big disaster?

"I'll call them," I said.

Mrs. Chen probably felt that her family's ugliness should not be exaggerated. She had the face-saving energy of many traditional Chinese women and refused to let me call.

But I couldn't stand my constant request, so my mother-in-law handed me the phone. What I didn't expect was that I called my three sons' mobile phones one after another. The eldest son said that he didn't have pork himself, so he really couldn't control it. Second son, I called four times, but no one answered. The youngest son said that he lives in Shanghai, and he doesn't really know how to buy things in Wuhan, so he can only try it. Having said that, the younger son also said: "Give me the addresses of my parents, and if I buy them, just fill in their addresses directly."

I felt a chill and asked, "You don't even remember your parents' addresses?"

"I work all over the place, I get up early and get up late to make a living. There are so many things to worry about. Who remembers this?" said the youngest son.

"Do you know that your father is seriously ill?" I asked in a bad tone.

"If you have cancer, the gods can't do anything about it," he said.

Seeing Madam Chen's sadness, I said, "I'll go buy you pork."

The next day, I delivered the pork to Mrs. Chen's house early in the morning, and I suggested whether to go to the hospital. The old woman shook her head and said that he didn't want to go to the hospital, so he wanted me to accompany him all the time.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Chen called me and said that Daddy Wang had just left and ate a piece of braised pork that she cooked at noon, and said, "It's delicious."

Holding my phone, I, a man in my thirties or forties, couldn't stop crying. The fragility of life is beyond our imagination.

I called the funeral home's car and took Daddy Wang away.

Mrs. Chen had been standing there, watching the car of the funeral home. She didn't cry, but just stood there quietly, or she had already made enough psychological preparations, or she had already looked down on life and death in this life. The early spring in Wuhan was still cold, and Granny Chen was wearing a padded jacket, which could not stop her thin and frail body.

I said to my mother-in-law, "You still have to live in my son's house. You are old and alone, and you can't live alone anymore."

Mrs. Chen didn't answer my question directly, she took out an old smartphone and saved some pictures in the camera. She opened the album and showed me a group photo. In the group photo, about two dozen old aunties danced the square dance flamboyantly.

Mrs. Chen said: "Two years ago, I would go to dance with them. Later, when Pharaoh fell ill, I didn't go and took care of him with all my heart. There are 23 aunties in our dance team, and this is the only one. Yue, I heard that 3 have already left."

I don't know what to say. In this spring, many people in Wuhan lost their parents.

Mrs. Chen's answer, I understand, she means that life and death have long been taken lightly, so what is the difference between who lives with it? What's more, it's not up to her to decide whether to live with her son or not.

In Wuhan under the epidemic, no one is a survivor. Every citizen is a victim, to varying degrees. Among them, the elderly, as the weak, suffer more deeply.

Due to physical and various reasons, the elderly have a weaker ability to survive. They do not have enough economic ability as young people, nor can they surf the Internet. Many elderly people are even paralyzed and have no ability to take care of themselves. Really hope that there will be more resources and manpower to pay attention to them and help them. Because each of us has parents, and we all get old.

On March 7, the number of newly diagnosed patients in Wuhan was 74, which fell to double digits for the first time. However, the wounds in Wuhan are still bleeding, and the wounds in Hubei are still not healed.

I saw a Weibo comment on the Internet, which means that people from Hubei and Wuhan have been complaining for more than a month, please stop complaining.

I would like to ask this netizen: If you or your relatives are going through the days from January 23 in Wuhan to the present, I believe that you may have more hardships to confide in.

In addition to the epidemic, Hubei people still have many difficulties, and the deepest part of our hearts is the exclusion from our compatriots. I fully understand the prevention of the epidemic and the fear of contagion, but the practice of dismissing migrant workers from Hubei, and making people from Hubei quarantined for 14 days without being able to go home, I really think it hurts too much.

A male reader in Shishou City, Hubei Province told me in the background: The boss directly told him not to go to work. He said that when the epidemic is over, can Hubei not go to work even after the lockdown is lifted? The boss said, don't come back within a year. Other colleagues have said that as long as you come back, they will all resign.

A friend from Wuhan went to settle in other provinces in the spring of 2019. Not long ago, his 6-year-old son went to play at the child's house. The son came back crying, saying that the child's grandmother said that he came from Wuhan and had the virus on his body. My friend is very angry. I have lived here for a year. Is the new crown pneumonia virus carried in the bones of Wuhan people?

I also saw on the Internet that a person driving back to work must pass through Wuhan on the way. The boss said that you can go around Hunan or other provinces, but don’t pass through Wuhan, don’t pass through Hubei, even if you don’t open the window, otherwise you will Just don't come back.

Experienced life and death, experienced the panic of closing the city (don't say it here, the whole country is closed at home. The closure in Hubei is different from the closure in any other place. We have many confirmed cases in each building, and each community has Some people died.) After experiencing the sudden fall of families, Hubei people may face a longer problem, that is-the understanding and acceptance of the people of the whole country.

This understanding is definitely not to shout "Wuhan, come on", but to truly understand and accept this group of helpless and innocent people after the catastrophe.

The people in Wuhan who are dissatisfied with Zhou are not the kind of hypocritical people who love to complain. Wuhan people are really grateful for all kinds of assistance. The 9-year-old girl said, "I thank you for Wuhan." When the 86-year-old mother-in-law was discharged from the hospital, Puntong knelt in front of the medical staff, and there were many, many people who were using their actions to thank you for helping us. people. This kindness will last our whole life and should not be forgotten.

Gratitude, and licking wounds, are not contradictory.

Empty streets of Wuhan

In fact, Mrs. Chen is just the epitome of countless elderly people in Wuhan. Behind this family, there are many, many other families that quietly disappeared.

In the spring of March, kites and grass grow outside the window, a scene of spring. Wuhan is getting better, and Hubei is getting better, but the wounds in the hearts of Hubei people have not healed, and the wounds are still hurting and dripping blood.

Please allow Hubei people and Wuhan people to cry for a while when they can't hold back while they work hard, okay?

May Wuhan be prosperous and busy again


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