

Subscribing to Matters RSS just got easier

Earlier, I saw @Hymnsin to introduce how to use rsshub.app to subscribe to Matters content. As an RSS fan and a contributor to the RSSHub project, I also want to do my part to promote RSS and Matters.

At present, the steps of generating Matters subscriptions by RSSHub are cumbersome and require certain technical knowledge. Users need to use the address bar of the corresponding Matters page:

  1. find the correct parameters
  2. Route using the address documented in the documentation
  3. Override parameters in routes and enter into RSS reader

In order to lower the entry threshold of RSS, I used RSSHub's RSSHub-Radar project to add a more convenient subscription method to Matters. RSSHub-Radar is a browser plug-in that helps users quickly discover and subscribe to RSS feeds that come with the page and (some) are provided by RSSHub. This plugin also supports Tiny Tiny RSS, Miniflux, FreshRSS, Feedly, Inoreader as well as native readers.

After installing the plugin, when browsing the Matters homepage, click the icon of the RSSHub plugin to see that RSSHub provides RSS feeds of "Latest Sort" and "Popular Works":

Home RSSHub Subscription Example

On the author's personal page, you can choose to subscribe to the author's articles:

Author RSSHub Subscription Example

Finally, you can also subscribe to tags on the tags page:

Label RSSHub Subscription Example

This plugin is available for Chrome and Firefox .

(At the time of writing this article, this feature is still in the process of requesting the original author to merge , and I believe it will be launched soon)


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