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A new social platform, a new world with complete freedom of speech!

new social platform

In 2022, a new social platform will be born in the LikeCoin circle. This new social platform is somewhat similar to Twitter, but it is not exactly the same as Twitter. It has the following characteristics:

On this social platform, you have the right to speak freely, and your speech will not be deleted by the platform for no reason ; your posts will be permanently saved, and you can read them whenever you want, and you cannot delete them yourself.

In addition, it is also very suitable for playing "Story Solitaire" because it has a damn word limit , so you can't leave too much nonsense and redundant words , or you will definitely not have enough word space (laughs).

This new social platform is called " depub.SPACE ", do you want to play?

Image source: depub.SPACE https://depub.space/

🧐 What is depub.SPACE? Features and troubles

In the previous paragraph, I briefly introduced the social platform depub.SPACE, and then I will explain the advantages and disadvantages of this platform in more detail (some of them are personal thoughts). Maybe referring to these information, you can get a better understanding of this platform.

  • 🔎Advantages , the platform is only displayed, and posts cannot be deleted.

depub.SPACE is a decentralized platform built on the blockchain. So he also has features like Matters that are " only shown, but actually kept forever ". Each post will be registered as an ISCN, as shown in the image below. If you don't know what ISCN is, welcome to read: " Ama Online Workshop | ISCN That Makes Works Perpetual "

Such a platform is just a tool for displaying posts, and your posts will probably be saved forever and cannot be deleted. If you want to view the registered ISCN, you can go to: https://app.like.co .

Image source: Taken from https://app.like.co

  • 🔎 Advantages, the right to speak freely

Continuing from the previous paragraph, because "it cannot be deleted, the platform is only displayed", so on such a social platform, you have " freedom of speech".

Your posts won't be deleted by the platform for no apparent reason, just because they don't like what you say, or are "sensitive". You have the right to speak freely and express any ideas of your own.

  • 🔎 Disadvantages, everything will be left forever.

The previous paragraph said that the post can be saved permanently and will not be deleted by anyone, which is an advantage, right?

But actually I think he is also a weakness.

How should I put it, this is just a social platform, and sometimes I just want to post wasteful articles, I don't want to let all these stay on it, right? Although there are advantages to not being able to delete it, sometimes there are some typos, or you just don't want to leave them on it, but it can't be changed as soon as it's released, which will become embarrassing.

Maybe you can only hide the post like Matters (there is currently no such function), pretending that she no longer exists in this world , maybe it is OK, because most of the time no one will go to see it. Or tell yourself: " I'm not that important, no one cares about me! " (How sad XDDD)

Image source: Meme Terrier Map Warehouse https://memes.tw/wtf?template=258

So, maybe this platform is more suitable for leaving some important remarks, or something you won't feel ashamed to stay. You might also want to remind yourself: " Anything you write will be forever, scary! "

Image source: Meme Terrier Map Warehouse https://memes.tw/wtf?template=278

  • 🔎Disadvantages , posts can only be 280 words, and every word is like gold.

On depub.SPACE, each post is limited to 280 characters, which may reduce a lot of nonsense, but my own experience is that 280 characters are often not enough capacity if one thing is not explained clearly.

Second, because each post will be registered as ISCN for permanent storage, so the fee for renewing the registration, although the price is not large, is about one or two yuan, but it is different from the usual social platforms and requires virtual currency. If you have not entered the virtual currency circle, it may be difficult to use.

So, it's really "words like gold", right?

Image source: depub.SPACE https://depub.space/

  • 🔎 Disadvantages, hyperlinks take up word count, and the typography is uncomfortable. (It varies from person to person, I don't think it looks good myself)

If you want to attach various links in the post, this link will take up a lot of words. It is already only 280 words, and the link will be squeezed even more.

This may not be a big deal, just shorten the link by shortening the link , and it will make the layout look more beautiful and will not take up the word count. But to have such a step, it will feel more troublesome.

Image source: depub.SPACE https://depub.space/

📝 How to register an account, teach you in three steps

As long as you have a LikerLand or Keplr wallet, you can post on depub.SPACE, but if you want a personal avatar and name, you need to create it yourself, and it is currently not possible to create it directly on it (I don’t know if there will be in the future).

To create an identity, it needs to be created on the Desmos blockchain.

So next, I want to share my own way of registering an account. This method is registered by referring to the article " [DSM Airdrop] Desmos Profile Description and Creation Steps " by @chickencakeGCAKE .

  • 📌The first step is to press Keplr to register on this website .
Image source: Screenshot from https://go-find.me/

  • 📌The second step, fill in your ID and password. (Because I have already registered with Keplr, the description of the above option is basically the same. Also, I don't really understand Dtag. My understanding is the account ID, so it is called here.)
Image source: Screenshot from https://go-find.me/

  • 📌The third part, fill in the name and upload the avatar in sequence. (The picture below is the completed registration screen, because the screenshot is not the screen at the beginning of registration, so it is explained in this way.)
Image source: Screenshot from https://go-find.me/

After the above three steps are completed, you have an avatar and an account. Go back to depub.SPACE and link the account, and the avatar should be displayed. However, there is bad news to say that you need a little DSM virtual currency to register your avatar (XD will be discussed after teaching), if you were an admiring citizen, you may be able to get it through the entrustment of the green button on the way. the person who donated. (This is why I have less than a dollar in my wallet, please sponsor QAQ.)

I think the new social platform depub.SPACE is very novel. Combined with the characteristics of decentralization and blockchain, everyone can have the freedom to speak, and your speech can be circulated on the blockchain forever . It's just that he still has some shortcomings, such as: the renewal fee is charged for posting. At the same time, there are still many social platforms that are not as bad as imagined, and most of the people in the LikeCoin circle are using Liker.Social.

To sum up, I would like to conclude with depub.SPACE: "The use of blockchain in social platforms may be good and novel, but it is not so convenient to use, and it is not very attractive. "

Having said that, as long as the times continue to progress, it will become mainstream sooner or later, right? (In fact, everything can be predicted, to avoid being slapped in the face at that time, let me say that I am just " guessing" XDDDDD.)

Finally, I don’t know what everyone who read this article thinks of this social platform, do you want to play it, or do you already have an account?


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