

It turns out that it is so difficult to climb the wall

Recently, I helped a friend around me to subscribe to the ssr airport to complete the overturn. After several operations, they still have various problems. I can patiently help them solve these problems because I realize that I am actually lucky and need to transfer this Good luck passed on.

I read Mr. Yuan's article a few days ago and felt the same way. In the journey of life, we and the people around us are not destined to walk together all the time, and every opportunity is precious in front of everyone. In many cases, it is someone who pulls you out of the crisis. If you fall into trouble, you and I don't know where you are and what you are doing today.

The situation faced by friends in the mainland is a comprehensive network blockade. If you want to obtain information on the Internet from the outside world, there is only one way to go over the wall. However, under the severe crackdown, it is impossible for domestic friends to find free airport addresses that can be used by searching, and airports that require payment need to go over the wall before they can log in to their registration website, which results in the following situation, if you If you can't look out the window first, you can't see the scenery outside. And it should be each of us who break this predicament.

Breaking the Internet blockade and pushing the Great Firewall doesn't sound like it can be done alone, but it requires everyone to shoulder the responsibility. What we can do is not to push it to build a new world, but to let more people stick their heads out from behind the wall to see different scenery and hear different voices, whether the situation is true or not. It doesn't matter. If you expect changes, you should start with what you can do around you, instead of expecting the so-called general accelerator to slam on the accelerator, or other forces to complete democratic reforms, which are unrealistic expectations.

In these two ways, post-revolutionary China will surely fall into disorder and chaos, and the situation will only be worse than the present. The reason is very simple. Most people may not really be ready to accept the gift of democracy. But this does not mean that we mainlanders are not worthy of democracy. We cannot assert that democracy is not suitable for the mainland, and we cannot use this as an excuse to cover up our efforts and the historical truth to delay and try to escape the problem of democratization forever.

To make more people realize that the current disasters are mostly caused by the shortcomings of the system, looking at the media inside the wall will only be counterproductive. The real media people have disappeared inside the internal walls, and there are ranting words and political commentary that speaks for a single political party everywhere. Reading these news every day will really be brainwashed. Goebbels said it, and lied a thousand times It is the truth. In an environment where there are only lies, everyone will become blind with their eyes open, and will be encouraged and harvested arbitrarily.

Change will not happen overnight, just as I am very disgusted by the so-called pro-democracy activists overseas who are ecstatic when they see a little favorable situation. , "people" is what we should love and care about. And the so-called people who have opened their minds are just lucky and lucky ones who have seized an opportunity. In all kinds of situations, you can't climb a high wall if you go wrong at any node, right?

So I am very grateful to the senior Houchen who helped me understand the world outside the wall, and I will also help friends who are familiar with and willing to go over the wall to go out and have a look. This is a responsibility and a lot of luck. Sadly, these words can only be published outside the wall, and most of the people who need it more are inside the wall.


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