

Actively investing in life is realization!

A person, once he starts to get attached to his physical health, he is damaging his health; a person, once he starts to get attached to his emotions, he is destroying his emotions; a person, once he starts to get attached to someone, he is getting away from this person... .

It's not the wind moving, not the flag moving, but the benevolent heart.

When we only regard ourselves as this body, everything we do needs a purpose, otherwise, we will not be able to pass the logical thinking of the mind, because logic is always measuring.

Logical thinking is a good tool, without it, perhaps there would be no such advanced, comfortable and convenient life as we are now.

But life is not just the one aspect we see in front of our eyes. Life also includes other aspects that are invisible to the naked eye, such as love, such as emotion and so on.

These things that go beyond the physical level seen by the naked eye are not the scope of logical thinking, although it has always been involved in it, and we have always regarded it as normal. But it is the involvement of logic that causes all sorts of problems and suffering.

As long as the ego lives, it needs a purpose, a direction. However, there is (big) me with no purpose. Existence itself is just a game of great energy, it just changes the ways of playing, it doesn't go anywhere. It is always now and always here, nothing but total change and play.

To actively participate in this game, to be a part of the game, the incredible blessing of petals will be scattered on us.

"I" has everything and is self-sufficient. There is no need to deliberately pursue any health, happiness, and joy... Because "I" itself is health, happiness and joy, and "I" is everything.

Since "I" has everything, why do I need to look everywhere?

So how can we avoid looking outside? The most effective way is to maintain a sincere heart and an attitude of surrender to life.

We just need to do one thing - quiet our minds. Otherwise, life will take care of itself. However, most of us put the cart before the horse and think that we are taking care of our lives.

We think that we are feeding ourselves, drinking water, maintaining our health... But life is not what we imagined, even at the level of the flesh (body) that we think we are most familiar with The same is true.

We think we are hungry and thirsty, so we need to eat and drink. But in fact it is the cell, or a more microscopic understanding - it is the gene that needs this body for its own continuation, so it uses the mouth to eat and drink...

We always think that we are maintaining the health of the body, so let's see, if we encounter accidental injury and endanger our life, who is maintaining the operation of the body?

From a physiological point of view, when a person is dying due to an accident, red, white blood cells and platelets will first go to the bleeding site and send a rescue signal to the body. At the same time, the body will redistribute blood in the first place. Make sure that the blood supply to the heart and brain is adequate.

When the trauma is so severe that neither platelets nor clotting factors can do anything, the body activates a second layer of defense.

At this time, the body focuses on protecting the internal organs, so the blood on the body surface is used to support the organs, so the skin starts to become bloodless and pale.

Blood is constantly going to various vital organs - heart, liver, etc., to ensure the supply of major organs and the elimination of waste. However, if the injury is severe and the blood loss is too much, some important organs, such as the lungs and stomach, may not be able to wait for support. At this time, the continuous ischemia and hypoxia will lead to chaos in the body, and the heartbeat will be involved in the circulation. Out of control in the case of a sharp drop in blood, but despite this, the heart is still doing its last effort.

In the case of massive blood loss, the skin began to appear mottled, the person's mind became blurred, gradually lost consciousness, and entered the brink of life and death...

At such a difficult moment of life and death, where is the "I" we think we are? What can the "I" do? The "I" does nothing and can't do anything.

In "The Selfish Gene", Richard Dawkins expounds from a biological point of view that our bodies and brains are nothing more than vehicles for gene creation, and everything is for the continuation of genes.

This is a fact that we must face up to! Therefore, what exactly is "I"? It must also be a question that we need to rethink.

If we still can't understand what "I" is, then at least we must first clarify what "I" is not, which may be easier than the former.

At least, "I" is not this body, and "I" is not the various thoughts and ideas in this mind.

Because from beginning to end, as this body, it has always been supporting and protecting it, not "I"; at critical moments, "I" doesn't even know where I am; "I" can't be all kinds of thoughts in my head. and ideas, because obviously, I'm not the same thing as those concepts;

So what is "I"? In fact, there is no "I" that we call it. That "I" is just a concept and an impression, just a collection of memories, thoughts, and habits.

If we don't understand the essence of life, we will always think that "I" is omnipotent! "I" is protecting the body, "I" is controlling life, and even, "I" is changing the world!

We are swayed and controlled by all kinds of voices in our heads, we can’t even control our own minds (thoughts, thoughts, thoughts), but we want to change or control others and the world.

We think this way, we think that way, but in the end, it's because we don't know what we're thinking.

We cannot keep our minds quiet enough, and we become mind slaves. Therefore, we can only be trapped in the prison of the mind, confused, worried, afraid and fearful.

People want to pursue the realm of enlightenment, but is enlightenment attainable? Even the idea of "pursuing enlightenment" is a trick of the ego.

The ego (mind) tells itself - this is good, that's not good; I'm right, you're wrong; go after this, go for that... and when you can't get it, the pain goes with you, and then, Attachment also followed, the more painful, the more attached, the more attached, the more painful, endless.

Active, not persistent.

A person, once he begins to cling to the health of the body, he is damaging his health; a person, once he begins to cling to his emotions, he is destroying his emotions; .

Actively investing in life is realization. The Self does not need to pursue realization, it is realization itself.

Like a flower, it does not deliberately make itself a flower of realization, but realization happens to it.

Positivity is an active and beautiful life force. Like a wild flower blooming alone—

We may think it is so lonely, but we do not understand that it is rooted in the mother earth, nourished by all things, and accompanied by nature, it is never lonely;

We may think that it blooms alone and needs a lot of courage, but we don't understand it and don't know what courage is, it only knows how to live with it;

We may pity it is just an inconspicuous and precious little wild flower, but we do not understand it and do not know how to compare, it only knows that it needs to bloom its own uniqueness and beauty, and become a part of the universe in harmony with other life;

We may think that it is very fragile and will be taken away by the storm at any time, but we do not understand that as a life, it falls because it is not strong enough. If it can stand again, it is because of growth, it will be grateful for the test of life;

We may feel that its life is meaningless, but we do not understand that the mission of life is to bloom and grow and evolve;

We may feel that it is useless in the world, but we do not understand that all things in the universe are closely connected, and existence itself is useful, and nothing can survive without the universe;

We may think that it will be pressured and restricted by the external environment, but we do not understand that pressure and restriction are not external. If it becomes a complete life, it will naturally not be subject to any pressure and restriction, and it will fully bloom;

We may suspect that it is a bit arrogant, but we do not understand that every species has a free will to live out its own nature. Only the suppressed nature can cause harm to the world. A true life always possesses the highest life energy and highest standard in the universe;

We may think that in any case, it is mortal, but we do not understand that it is enjoying the infinite natural law of going from nothing to existence, and then from existence to nothing, life after life, turning back and forth...

A wild flower is still like this, what about us?

From now on, let us maintain and live with that awareness of meditation, and with that awareness of everything in our lives - starting with opening our eyes in the morning, watching how we get up and feel our How your feet stand on the floor, see how you wash yourself, how you put your breakfast in your mouth, feel how it tastes in your mouth, watch all the activities of the day, like a real life.

Just in this moment of not worrying about the future and not recalling the past, just continue like this moment by moment to see how long I can keep it...

Author: One person, one world, a yoga astrologer who uses psychology to heal himself.

If you also desire to heal the pain and let the soul rest,

Let the soul be free, then your arrival is just right.


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