《喂喂你還好不好》:一個現役憂鬱症患者的日常 Podcast https://open.firstory.me/user/wwhowbuhow/platforms Podcast 創作者、製作人、製作教學 創作日常反思和閒聊在 Liker.social 象特

[What have you been busy with recently] Trying to find a little possibility of self-reliance

During the half-time break of Xiaoyu's ladder, the two roles of creator and engineer greatly consumed the power of the battery and destroyed people. I know that I can't be in a hurry. In the process of struggling online and offline in real life, I am still looking for a state where I can live a stable life.

what have you been up to lately

Trying to open a new series to write everyday nonsense (huh

Busy learning how to be an engineer from scratch,
While watching the film, while following the team based on blockchain technology development (mainly validator nodes and smart contracts),
There is also the work of Ama Workshop to promote popular science

I deeply feel that the power is not enough,
I feel that both the roles of creator and engineer are not well done,
Podcast has been suspended for another month, and will be updated in the near future

In the daily technology news selection of the "Chengren Channel " Podcast @chengrenpindao3 Slack group, I learned that the most solid Linux core design course in Taiwan is a course jointly offered by the university department of the alma mater Chengdao Institute and the master and doctoral class " Linux Kernel Implementation"

This is the first time to take such a fierce class. I will listen first, hoping to keep up with the basic concepts of computer science.

Slack original:

📌 The most solid Linux core design course in Taiwan! Those who want to practice strength, don't miss it 😉
The industry god Jserv is about to start a class again! A full-semester free course, taking you from the simple to the deep understanding of the Linux core, and according to Jserv himself, this class does not require any prior knowledge (but it takes more than 18 hours of homework per week 😂 )
Slack group portal: https://join.slack.com/t/techpornworkspace/shared_invite/zt-tdh36ywm-ZCki4GTouwCrlWLKh7QNCw

Thanks for reading this far,
Become an Appreciative Citizen Subscribe to me or join the Podcast Monthly Consultation Piggy Banking Program, treat me to a cup of honey black tea,
Support my podcast creation, write free podcast production teaching articles and promote Xiaoyu related health education activities

👌🏼【I am Chicken Cake】Links of appreciation class: https://liker.land/ww-howbuhow/civic
👌🏼 Podcast Sponsored Link: https://pay.firstory.me/user/wwhowbuhow
👌🏼 Create daily reflections and small talk at Liker.social Xiangte: https://liker.social/@wwhowbuhow

§ Validator Nodes§
Ping.pub page can link to Keplr wallet for direct delegation

💰LikeCoin "Code Farmer Daily": Boss Ama's code machine https://ping.pub/likecoin/staking/cosmosvaloper1fdpmw3k73asq89gt0qvf9j97pgg2kapkk99yl2
💰Chihuahua Coin $HUAHUA Code : "Code Farmer Daily" https://ping.pub/chihuahua/staking/chihuahuavaloper16x7gqk095as5kecfaza4cyppm056a658xp9pec
💰BitCanna Coin $BCNA Cake Machine Farmer: "Chicken Cake GCAKE_2" https://ping.pub/bitcanna/staking/bcnavaloper1rgqq95lvgzy2u8y8rrz67ptz5x69glcdscjh26

§ Podcasts §

" Hey, how are you? " : the daily life of a depressed patient on active duty

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