
大家好,我是“情感陰暗面揭秘者”- 欺心遊戲。我專注於分享那些關於感情欺騙、自己的黑暗面,以及情感操縱的故事。通過深入剖析這些複雜而真實的情感經歷,希望大家能對人性有更深刻的理解,並為大家提供在感情路上的警醒和指引。讓我們一起走進情感的迷宮,挖掘那些隱藏在背後的秘密。

True Story #2 After my career collapsed, my wife married my rich friend and came back a year later covered in bruises.

The above is only a schematic diagram, not the actual situation of the parties

The following cases are real cases that happened to foreign netizens. We will restore the occurrence and process of the whole thing from the perspective of the male lead. Let's start today's story.

Hello everyone. I am 36 years old, male. My ex-wife Avery (29, female) and I had only been married for three years when things started to go downhill and she started to show her true side. A year and four months before we got married, I dated Avery. Shortly after we started dating, I told Avery that I was eager to build my own business. So I worked hard day and night, taking a part-time job in addition to my full-time job during the day. I pay my rent, bills, and incidentals from my full-time job while investing my part-time income into my career.

Avery works as a sales manager in a retail store and I think she has some knowledge of running a business. Avery was very supportive in the beginning stages of our relationship. She even pushed me to work harder to grow my business. But after we got married, she didn't seem interested in the business anymore. She would even jokingly tell me to focus on other important things if business doesn't work out, but I'm firm because it's my dream and I know it can be achieved.

Fast forward to the first year of our marriage. After many meetings and much persuasion, I finally got a big opportunity when a wealthy friend of mine volunteered to invest in my business. Avery and I are thrilled with our win. She pretended to trust me and kept pushing me to get things done. My business is a small logistics company, a goal I have dreamed of for a long time. I believe that with proper management and funding, my logistics company will become one of the largest in our state. With the funds, I bought more delivery scooters, bikes and a van. As more electric vehicles and bicycles are added to the vehicles we already have, the business is booming and revenue is increasing. I also invested some money in marketing and signage, and those investments paid off.

The above is only a schematic diagram, not the actual situation of the parties

Shortly after my investment, however, I noticed a dramatic change in Avery's mindset. Avery and I had no significant grounds for contention until the funding came. Even if we argue or disagree about something, we always settle it before going to sleep. But after the money came, Avery and I were arguing almost every day because of money! She argued that she wanted me to give her some shopping money, move into a bigger apartment, and take a week's vacation, all with money that should have been invested in my business. She got mad when I objected to the idea. I understood the idea of ​​shopping and even promised to give her some money for a nice Chanel bag that she loved, but she wanted more.

She claims she is happy about the investment because she thinks she will benefit from it. I was shocked by her request because she knew my career had been struggling and I was working and praying every day for a financial miracle. I didn't expect her to make such a request when the miracle happened. Especially not at that time! Even if I'm taking her shopping, moving into a bigger apartment, or taking her on vacation, it should be out of the profit I've been running the business for a long time, not from the money I should have invested and grown the business get. I told her countless times that the money was not for our personal use and should have been returned with interest to my investment friend, but everything I said fell through and she kept nagging.

She started calling me selfish and saying I wanted to keep all the money my friends gave me even though I wasn't working for it. When her words didn't reach me the way she expected, she switched to an emotional level and cried all night. We argued all week, and when I couldn't take it anymore, I agreed to take her shopping on a budget for peace. I then invested the rest of my money in my business. I do it because I love her, even when she acts cold.

As I mentioned before, with the addition of scooters and bicycles for deliveries, business has boomed and we've been able to cover a wider area than in the past. It even got to the point where I had to quit my primary and part time job and focus more on my business. I do everything I can to make sure the business takes it to the next level, makes enough money each month to cover my rent and share of the bills, and uses the rest to pay off the loans I owe.

About 2 months after my business started to pick up, Avery stopped contributing to the family. She claimed that I was doing well financially now that I could take care of the house like a man, and that she was tired of sharing household expenses with me, especially when I was earning more than twice her monthly salary. At first, when she brought it up, I thought she was joking, but when she refused to pay that month's rent or other bills, I realized she wasn't.

I tried to explain to her that it would not be wise for me to bear the financial burden of an entire family on my own as it would set me back instead of forward, but she refused to listen. In addition, I have to return the investment money and high interest to my friend. She told me that her friend's husband doesn't earn as much as I do but they still take care of the wife, kids and family, why can't I do the same? The question felt like a slap in the face to me, but I didn't let it affect me.

The above is only a schematic diagram, not the actual situation of the parties

At that point, I was tired of constantly arguing with Avery. It could almost be said that she was a different person the moment the money came and my business was nowhere near as booming as I'd hoped it would be. I started paying all the bills at home alone, including rent, all bills, groceries, and gas each month.

I'd be lying if I said doing all this didn't affect my business. I hate when Avery always acts like the business belongs to me alone. The main reason I opened was that I didn't want to live my entire life 9-5 with overtime, and I didn't want Avery to live that life either. All I do is give us a good life and possibly give our kids a life we ​​never had. But the more demands and expectations Avery made, the more I felt that she had no interest in my business.

I married her because I believe she is talented in business and we are on the same channel. She once told me that she wanted us to have multiple businesses together nationally and even globally, but when we expanded our only joint business, she became a completely different person. She stopped contributing to the family and preferred to spend the money she earned on clothes, shoes, wigs and everything she wanted while I took care of the bills. For the next year or so, I tolerated her and tried to grow my business.

Sometimes she would take my credit card to shop with her girlfriends and max it out. So, you can imagine what I've been through financially. For my business, it's more like one step forward, three steps back, and it's been that way for months. Unfortunately, I couldn't continue as I had to pay back the money with interest and I got into serious debt and had to go out of business temporarily. It got so bad that I had to sell all my motorcycles, my personal vehicles and family jewelry (a family heirloom) to pay off the debt, and in the end, I had nothing, not even a penny saved.

The above is only a schematic diagram, not the actual situation of the parties

After this incident, I was miserable at the hands of Avery. As I was wrapping up my business, she started saying horrible things to me. She said something about how we could have made a good living with the invested money, but because of my greed, I lost everything. As if her vilification and verbal abuse weren't enough, she's a completely different person.

Earlier, we used to share the chores, but when my business collapsed, she told me to do my own laundry, cook my own meals, and clean the house because I was staying home (unemployed, obviously). She took nearly every opportunity to show me that she was making money while I was jobless, had no business, and was actively applying for jobs to cover my expenses. After such a huge loss, business was the last thing on my mind, survival first.

Around that time, I noticed that she was always smiling and focused on texting on her phone. Then she comes home with expensive gifts like bags, jewellery, shoes and clothes. I know she can't afford these things because her salary can't even afford a single bag and she'd have to save at least 4 months of her salary to buy one of those expensive bags. I confronted her when I noticed that she came home with expensive items every week and every time I did she would insult me ​​and remind me that I had no right to question her because I was out of a job, forever Can't afford to buy these things for her either.

With her new attitude, I knew we couldn't get close, and that was the case. She stopped sleeping in the bedroom because she knew I would want to touch her, and just like that, our marriage turned into a nightmare in the blink of an eye. I think about 2-3 months after she starts bringing expensive items home. It was painful and suffocating for me to put up with her tantrums, but at that point, the most important thing for me was to get a job ASAP!

The above is only a schematic diagram, not the actual situation of the parties

However, one night, she came home and told me she wanted a divorce. She said she couldn't stand marrying me anymore, she revealed that she married me because she thought I had a promising future, but so far, she wasn't satisfied. I didn't try to beg or persuade her. I kind of knew it was a matter of time. I'm tired of everything and believe that divorcing each other is the right thing to do. As much as I love her, I cannot live or continue my marriage with a woman who mocks me, insults me, and makes me feel worthless at the slightest chance, so I sign the divorce papers. She moved out of the house before our divorce was officially finalized.

Shortly after our divorce, I was at home thinking about my life when she sent me a message on Facebook. When I opened it, there was a picture of her in a bikini on a yacht next to my rich friend. He was the same friend who funded my business, and I felt deeply betrayed. At that moment, I understood everything, the expensive gift, the perfume, the early departure and late return, the new attitude, and finally, what she meant by wanting a divorce.

I couldn't even cry because what she did was beyond expressing my heartbreak with tears. I even feel sorry for her because my rich friend is known for being a womanizer and he has been divorced 4 times. In response, she sent me mocking photos, and I responded with "enjoy it, the joy won't last long" and blocked her.

Moving on was difficult, especially with no job and no one to support me financially and emotionally. It was a really tough time and there were times when I wanted to end it all because I was in a really dark place mentally. I even moved in with my brother because I couldn't afford the rent or take care of my basic needs. Some of my friends occasionally try to support and help me. 4 months after Avery left me, I got a job. The salary is not very high compared to previous jobs, but it was a positive start for me. I worked so hard, and overtime, that I've been able to split the rent and bills with my brother and find my own place within two months.

At my new workplace, I have a senior co-worker who really likes me. Her name is Crystal (Christopher) (47 years old, female). She was clearly older and I didn't understand why she would bring me lunch, ask me if I would like to go out to dinner etc until I asked her. Crystal said I reminded her of her late brother who died young and for some odd reason I looked and walked like him. Crystal and I became very close over time, and when I told her about my past and my broken business, she promised to help me. In the few months we've known each other, I've fallen in love with her.

She cared about me and treated me with love. In the 3 years I was married to Avery, I didn't even get that kind of care and love. With Crystal, I feel pampered and I don't even know when my heart will be bent for love again. Surprisingly, help came. Crystal lived up to her promise and helped me secure funding from an investor. This person helped me because she owed Crystal a favor. On her side, Crystal also gave me an amazing amount of money to invest and the agreement was that I would pay her back every month. She also shared ideas for moving my business forward, expanding and offering something different from the competition.

I know it all sounds too good to be true, and 9 months after Avery left me, that's exactly how I felt. In fact, if someone had told me I would recover so quickly, I wouldn't have believed it. My only disappointment is that Crystal doesn't see me the way I see her.

She sees me as her beloved brother and she promises to continue to support me as long as I keep the promises of the agreement. She's almost 11 years older than me, but I don't mind. I was a little hurt when Crystal rejected me because she didn't want to mix career and relationship, but I got over that and decided to focus on rebuilding my business. Although it's almost like starting from scratch since I sold my motorcycle, I don't mind. Owning a logistics company is something I really want and I'm passionate about. Backed by determination and the funding provided, my business has come back to life and I couldn't be happier.

Just three weeks ago, a year after my divorce from Avery, I got a call from her. She said she wanted to see me. I figured she must have heard about my new success and wanted to see it for herself, so I said yes. I invited her to come and see my company's place so she could see it for herself. I did this to show her that I was doing well, even better than last time, and I believe she got my message.

Now that's not the problem. The problem is that yesterday she called me again and asked if I would be able to take her back because she has been hurt a lot at the hands of her new husband.

The above is only a schematic diagram, not the actual situation of the parties

Update 1: I'll answer some common questions from previous posts. First of all, no, I don't have any intention of taking her back. The reason I posted this online was to get your opinion, and I did. Some people have asked me if I knew enough about Avery before getting married. The truth is, I believe I know her well, and she never showed these attitudes during our date. She never said a rude word to me or laughed at my business. I'm not talking big when I say that the Avery I married seemed to be two different people.

As someone suggested, I'm going to ditch her immediately because my business is now more important than anything else and I can't make the same mistake again. Meanwhile, I saw her again two days ago, and this time her entire face was covered in bruises. She told me she regretted the divorce because even when I didn't have much money, I treated her like a queen and she was sorry for leaving me. She said she wanted to leave her new husband because he was abusing her and she couldn't even sue him because he was so rich. She also worried about what would become of her if he cut off everything she got from him.

Beyond that, she admitted that she didn't have a job, and that he wouldn't let her work because he offered everything she wanted, which suffocated her. She complains bitterly about his infidelity and how he brings back a different girl every day, oblivious to her presence. From everything she said, I don't know how much of it is true. All I can confirm is that I see something in her and I'm sure she's in a bad place physically, mentally and emotionally. Other than that, she looks sleep deprived, and in our over a year of dating and three years of marriage, I've never seen her look this bad.

As she spoke, I couldn't help noticing how well her timing was. Apparently her abuse didn't start after my business revived, she was abused in the first month of marriage, yet she didn't start calling or complaining until she heard about my business.

The above is only a schematic diagram, not the actual situation of the parties

So I decided to play around with her as someone here suggested. I gave her all the reasons why I couldn't take her back and watched her plead with me. She said she was deceived by what she saw, and she thought it was better to be the wife of a rich man even if he didn't love her than to be the wife of a poor man, because at least the rich had material things to offer. But now she has learned her lesson. After she begged a lot, I told her to give me a moment to think about it, and hearing those words gave her a glimmer of hope. I can't wait to kill her hope and put her through the same pain I did. I'll update as soon as possible after revenge.

UPDATE 2: Hey guys, trust me, this is not a love story because the story is over. Believe me, I still can't get over her betrayal. No matter how hard I try, I can't get over how she humiliated and abused me during my tough times. Shameful that she tried to get back to me after treating me like a worthless person. Anyway, it's been a month now. I can't list everything she did to get me to accept her back. She even shared nude pictures of her for something I asked for, and we've been chatting since the day I told her I'd consider it. It could almost be said that she sent herself to the door.

I only needed it for a month and she made it so easy to work with throughout the month. She did almost everything I asked her to do. To shock her and guide her, I kissed her on the cheek, and she waved and smiled as she walked to her car that day. Someone commented before that I should set up a game to ruin her poor marriage, and I love the idea. I deliberately asked her to send me nude pictures of her because I knew she would. After all, extraordinary times call for extraordinary means. So I collected our chats about how she was going to divorce her husband and the bad things she and she said behind her husband's back. I unblocked my rich friend and sent him all the photos and chat screenshots. Then I left a message: "You got away with it bro" and I waited for him to see the message, and when he saw the message, I got a call from Avery.

She was crying and short of breath on the phone, and when she was finally able to talk, she told me her husband kicked her out of the house and confiscated everything he bought for her because in his words "she came with nothing , so must go with nothing." After crying and calming down, she said she was coming to me to officially be our planned couple. I took this opportunity to tell her that I sent everything to her husband and that we could never be together because she didn't deserve to be loved. When she heard the news, she cried even harder and begged me not to treat her like this. Haha I already did.

The above is only a schematic diagram, not the actual situation of the parties

I warned her not to show up at my home or business or I would call the police and arrest her. Afterwards, I blocked her contact information and I can only imagine the heartache she is going through right now. She dared to turn around and thought she could succeed.

I cannot express enough my gratitude to you all. Thank you so much for your comments and suggestions. If it were not for your help, I could not have achieved such a happy revenge. thank you all.

After reading this story, what I want to say is that this story fully shows the dark side of the relationship between a man and a woman and the contradictions in human nature. In the story, the woman covets wealth and luxury, and does not understand her husband's difficulties in the early stage of business. Desperately squeezed her husband financially, and directly led to the failure of her husband's business. Once the husband can't meet the wife's requirements, he will insult and discriminate against the husband in various words. The wife even cheated in the later stage of the marriage, which caused the husband to receive a fatal double blow, and even wanted to commit suicide at one point.

In the middle of the story, the male protagonist regains his strength and meets the noble person in his life and makes a comeback. At this time the ex-wife found him and asked to get back together. At this time, the hero did not choose to refuse directly, but set up a revenge game. So is such a move right or wrong? It's really hard to say. From the perspective of socially recognized moral values, this is definitely wrong, but things in the world are often not as simple as black and white, and there are often many gray areas. The male protagonist did this to satisfy his desire for revenge, to watch his ex-wife suffer the pain he had suffered before, and even repay it double. Although doing so hurt his ex-wife, it also slightly healed the pain and scars in his heart. How many people can stay awake once they are controlled by emotions and desires?

What do you think about this? Do you think the hero's actions in this incident are reasonable? Welcome to the comment area to leave a message and discuss together. Thanks

Previous work: True Story #1 I saw a video of my fiancée cheating on me during her bachelorette party


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