
香港傳奇財經評論員曹仁超先生講過: "有智慧不如趁勢" 呢個社區就覺得"趁勢發達都要有基本智慧" 虛擬貨幣,去中心化金融,區塊鏈技術都涉及相當的知識及理解。 如果無一定程度嘅理解,你就算選擇正確的投資平台或工具,都難免成為"韭菜"一族,任由鯨魚們收割。 我希望一點一滴咁為大家收集和分享每日全球科技金融的知識和新聞,每日為大家充值信念,陪伴大家做『踏浪者』去享受科技金融嘅樂趣和資產增值的機遇。

The emergence of blockchain

The emergence of blockchain has created a large number of new modes of operation, because blockchain technology can identify the last trader information, so as to track whether each transaction is real or fictitious.

Using QR-Code and blockchain technology, every link can be traced to the source, and there is no need to worry about counterfeiting.

In the future, producers, logistics, and distributors will register their data on the blockchain every time they pass. If there is no such record on the blockchain or there is a repeated record, everyone will recognize the fake.

It is believed that the quality of food safety will be greatly improved in the future

This technology is believed to be further applied to the luxury market, such as the trading of famous watches, red wine trading, Pu'er tea trading, etc.


This article is reprinted from 'Wise Community' Facebook post on April 28, 2020


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