
我的名字叫東加豆。 我是一個香港人。 https://www.tonkabean.me

Essay submission activity Space Dao canvas x micro story

Hello fellow Matters members,

Happy New Year!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Seeing such an abstract and strange pixel picture, can you find a unique theme to create a micro-story?


We will hold an interesting SPACEDAO essay competition and invite you who like to create to participate.

Spacedao! Spacedao! Spacedao! Micro story! Micro story! Micro story!

Event details are as follows:

Essay content:

- Activity format: Micro story creation

- Theme: Participants can choose any pattern on the Space canvas as creative inspiration.

We really want to invite you to use words to breathe new life into this incomprehensible pixel image and integrate it into your story. We look forward to your innovation, your expression, and your works.

- Space canvas web page >> https://raiden.thespace.game/

Event date:

- Date: February 14, 2024

- Deadline: March 14, 2024

game rules:

- Link to this article.

- Tag: The Space canvas micro story creation.

- Only one submission per person will be accepted.

- Language requirement: Chinese.

- Number of words: between 600 and 1000 Chinese characters.

- Each participant will receive a reward of 200 likecoins, with a maximum limit of 20 submissions.

- All Hong Kong stories that participate in this essay competition will share 20 DHK tokens equally.

Looking forward to everyone’s work!

Thank you to the following organizations for allowing this event to apply for currency support. (Application is pending)

* Petit-bourgeoisie subsidies for community activities

*SpaceDAO (Space token)

* DHK token

Denkeni , Swiftevo ,嗷嗷,

What is SpaceDao?

See here >> https://matterslab.notion.site/SpaceDAO-7f5f393a4aaf4fe88dc97746c001ad37

Tonka beans^@^!! Waiting for you!


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