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[Good song aftertaste] Ye Liangjun: I always listen to you

This morning, I saw Leslie Cheung of@清夏: Autumn should be good. If you are still there , this article suddenly remembered that my brother and my daughter were born on the same day, and I also missed my brother, but because of the morning I grasped that the child had not woken up to do yoga as soon as possible, so I hadn't clicked the song "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" to listen to it. I didn't have time to listen to it until after the half-hour of the child's collapse and uncomfortable tossing.

I have never heard the Cantonese song "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter", but I noticed that the composer is "Ye Liangjun". This term is so familiar! I remember that Ye Liangjun was also very popular at the time and was very good at singing. I immediately searched for Ye Liangjun on the Internet and found that he was a master of law from Cambridge University and a lawyer. This information was not known at all in the era without the Internet. Maybe I am too young to pay attention to these messages at all. I only know that he has a very good song. Those who have heard it can recollect it, and those who have not heard it can listen to it!

 Lyricist: Wu Qingkang Composer: Ye Liangjun I always listen to you and never dare to let your heart down I put all my loneliness in an invisible corner because you said I must have a happy life I always listen to you and never think about it Maybe you just don't dare to tell you when you're wronged and tired but you still say that I make you sad and sad What do you want me to do I always listen to you but you never want to face the real me every time I think about it every time This time I wondered what do you really care about? What do you want me to do? I always listen to what you say, but I have mixed emotions. Have you ever understood the perseverance, the perplexity, and this time our eyes are intertwined with you? What do you want me to do, I always listen to you, but my emotions are chaotic, have you ever understood the perseverance, the perplexity, and this time our eyes are intertwined, we can't tell who is demanding so much from whom?

Accidentally discovered that Ye Liangjun, who has not seen him for a long time, is actually still active in the music world. It's just that the fans in Taiwan have not heard from him for a long time. I also found his information through Facebook, and friends who are interested can check it out.

Ye Liangjun Jimmy Ye


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