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【好歌欣賞】프라이머리(Primary) - I'll Be There (Feat. Meego, 수란)

Primary, who is a Korean singer-songwriter and music producer, is a talent that I fell in love with when I first came across his works. He often collaborates with many different singers, and his R&B style is very popular with me.

Today I would like to introduce the song "When I fall in love", a collaboration with Suran, who is also a singer-songwriter and music producer. The two people's voices are free and unrestrained and full of magnetism, deeply conveying the sweetness of love through The singing sound is conveyed to the audience, and the MV of this song was shot in Europe. It is so romantic!

Because the MV is so beautiful, I have to share the photos for everyone to enjoy.

Don’t worry about not knowing what to sing if you don’t understand Korean, because you don’t even need to understand it to make people fall in love just by looking at the pictures!

 You and I
I don't know why
When I fall in love 모르겠어언 When I fell in love
When I fall in love I love you 정적인그사이에서로를마주봐You and I 맣던 When I fall in love 모르겠어언제부터나도몰래숨겨왔던마음들을 모두다네게보여주게됐을까When I fell in love
When I fall in love I love you 께서로에게기대어 You and I
You and I will be together
I fell in love with u
I fall in love
I fall in love
어느새I fell in love with u

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