

The Myth of Growing Vegetables During the Pandemic

What is good to grow vegetables? Fun in a pandemic?

Planted cabbage 27 years ago.

 At that time, I was busy with watering and killing insects for a long time. When I harvested it, the cabbage in the supermarket was only 1 yuan a piece! It's too uneconomical to grow vegetables again.

During the epidemic, more and more people began to grow vegetables.

At the beginning, I wanted to grow the most expensive thing in the market: bitter gourd! Loofah! eggplant!

Later, I found out that it is not good to plant, er, and it will not bear fruit.

Two years after the epidemic, it was found that sweet potato leaves and Maori vegetables grew faster.

Sweet potato leaves only need water, there are few insects, and the leaves can be used as vegetables.

And this Maori vegetable like spinach

Maori vegetables grow fast.

Onions are planted in beverage bottles.

Green onion in beverage bottle
 Growing vegetables has become a part of life during the epidemic. In order not to be easily infected, there is no need to go out to buy vegetables and eat fresh vegetables.
Do you need to improve your vegetable growing skills?

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