
真是真,假是假。 一切皆在動念之間。 亂談我的念,禪,道。

World origin game talk - opening

The world is the game. The origin that I realized is the game world created by nothing.

The source that I realized,

It is a game world created by nothing.

Now this parallel space,

Now I am on Earth, which is a copy of the game.

And different dimensional spaces represent different levels of restricted areas or diversions.

Whenever a branch is crossed, new characters must be recreated, belonging to the characters within the branch.

People from high dimensions, because of their experience, can easily master the resources in the dungeon and become top-level characters even if they have to start over.

Each consciousness that crosses the diversion has a different purpose, perhaps a full level upgrade,

Or maybe it is unable to adapt to a higher competitive environment,

Or maybe to find followers.

However, I think that the difficulty of raiding the Earth copy is the character setting here.

Usually, the consciousness that comes to the copy will be dominated by the "body" or "organism", "protein", and "brain" of the characters in this copy.

Therefore, the source consciousness will be deliberately forgotten by the characters created by himself to realize the purpose of this copy.

All that is known is just the setting of the game.


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