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🎨 Salsa Graffiti|366 Days Birth Flower [July 13] Narrow-leaved Lupin

📯 The birth flower on July 13th every year is "Narrow-leaved Lupin", and the flower language is "Bitter Taste". People who are blessed by this flower like to tell the truth and don't know much about it. Depending on the occasion. GIF animations of the painting process are included, welcome to join us✦ 🤗

❀ Hand drawn illustrations❀


July 13:

  • Plant: Narrow-leaved Lupin
  • Flower language: Bitter Taste

❀ Painting process❀

Don't talk nonsense, just turn the photo into a GIF and see it✦

The magic of white colored pencils!

Today's birth flower is " Narrow-leaved Lupin " .
The scientific name is " Lupinus angustifolius " , which is a species of the legume family " Lupinus " .
And this genus of plants, there is a Chinese common name, called "Lu Binghua" .

The name of the 1989 movie " Lu Binghua " was borrowed from this genus.
The film is adapted from the novel " Lu Binghua " by " Zhong Zhaozheng " .
Although certain Sha has only heard of it but not seen it.

So, following this line of thinking, in fact, "Lupin Narrow" can probably also be called "Lupin Binghua", right? 🤭
The plant is native to Eurasia and North Africa, and has since spread to Australia and parts of North America.
Humans have cultivated it for more than 6,000 years, and it is used as legume food, livestock feed and green manure.

The legend about the birth flower is described as follows:

 "Lupin" means sorrow in Greek.
The seeds of lupin are so bitter that they are frowned upon in the mouth and look painful.
Therefore, its flower language is "bitter".

People born with the blessing of this flower are often said to have "no ivory coming out of a dog's mouth".
They like to tell the truth and don't know much about the situation.
It is best to change the personality of this kind of rectal, otherwise it will be boring.

That's about it.
Although, Mousha feels that the anonymous author who wrote the 366-day birth flower may have opinions on those born on this day.

Because, Mousha really thinks that there is nothing wrong with the personality of the rectum?
As the saying goes , "Loyalty speaks against the ear" , what certain Sha thinks is more terrifying, is a hypocrite with a good mouth and a sword!

However, judging from the content of the legend of the birth flower, maybe such a rectal birthday star is really bitter!
After all, what he said was the truth, but he was often misunderstood by others... (Yuanmu)

In short, certain Sha just wants to hold injustice for the birthday star of this day~
The legend of the birth flower can obviously be described in a more friendly angle! 😆

That is to say, in fact, this time certain Sha missed the nap time again.
The reason is that I read the King of Coins mentioned in the White Bodhi roster of @volunteer grandpa .

Unexpectedly, the "Kobayashi phenomenon" appeared in Matt City.
What's more terrifying is that the automatic pat that some Sha was lazy to use actually became an accomplice! (つд⊂)(つд⊂)(つд⊂)

So I was frightened, and quickly went to Google to study Python syntax to see if there was a way to get a blacklist.
Then, miraculously, a certain time when a certain Sha was taking a bath, the content of the communication with brother Tianyin suddenly popped up in his mind.

The content of the exchange is not a dialogue, but a hazy block picture and concept.
So a certain Sha recognized it. For engineers, the usage of super super super super basic if~elif~else! ! !

(Asha: Brother Tianyin, I didn't learn Python grammar, why would you know?)
(Tianyin: You have browsed.)
(Asha: As expected of the GPS in the brain database, Tianyin is so powerful! He helped me organize it! Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ)
(Tian Yin: ...... can you not give up the treatment?)
(Asha: I have completely given up rescuing my bird’s memory! (゚∀.))
(Tian Yin:  … (sigh) )

How much memory does the bird have?
Normally, when you wake up, you can forget more than 50% of what you did yesterday.
Seriously, even just after coming out of the bathroom, you will be confused about whether you have turned off the lights or not. (つд⊂)

So at that time, not long after I got Ding Mao Mao 's original camera, I forgot about the improved version of tracking.
Although it seems that someone mentioned this later, and then I had some considerations at that time... (°ཀ°)
In short, I put it aside after that, didn't pay attention to it, and forgot about it over time.囧mm

Until I miss a nap~
Inexplicably, through if~elif~else, this super method that will make the code a little dirty  …
A certain Sha just remembered: ah! It turned out that the reason why I continued to use the first generation was for Surprise!

Because, if you use the tracking version, you will only see the articles on the tracking list that you have taken~
There will be no new articles recently issued by users other than those you know.
After all, the list of articles printed out by the pat machine is really convenient! Sometimes you can see surprises XDDD

Mousha's old version of the camera is at:

 requests.post("https://server.matters.news/graphql", json={"query": query}, headers=headers)



In between, there are inserts:

 print("[article]" + str(row['title']))
print("[Address]" + "https://matters.news/@" + str(row['author']['userName']) + "/" + str(row['mediaHash']))
print("[author]" + str(row['author']['displayName']) + "(message" + str(row['commentCount']) + " then)" + "\n")

These paragraphs describe.
I forgot how I researched it at the time.

(Some Sha: Brother Tianyin, help! Help me retrieve the memory I lost...)
(Tian Yin:  … Google.)
(Asha: Mi? (☉д⊙)?)
(Some Sha: Brother Tianyin?)
(Asha: Don't ignore me...ヾ(;゚;Д;゚;)ノ゙)
(Tian Yin: …Google, the same as this time. Matrix, you have browsed it, but you have forgotten it.)

Gentlemen, is it better for a certain Sha to eat some ginkgo biloba? ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )

Last time, because of the presence of Brother Tianyin, Mousha went to the national exam and wanted to ask him to play for him, but he ignored Mousha and ended up failing. ( ×ω× )

It's crooked again, pull it back.

In the end, whether it is the original full-shot version or the tracking version~
It turns out that as long as the last line of "for row in newest_articles:" or "for row in followee_articles:" is overwritten as:

 if row['author']['userName'] == 'jiantizi' :
      print("####[Blacklist]" + str(row['author']['displayName']) + " @" + str(row['author']['userName']) + " Article directly Skip, don't clap! ###" + "\n")
    elif row['author']['userName'] == 'The second and above blacklist @ID string' :
      print("####[Blacklist]" + str(row['author']['displayName']) + " @" + str(row['author']['userName']) + " Article directly Skip, don't clap! ###" + "\n")
      query = """
    """ % row['id']

    requests.post("https://server.matters.news/graphql", json={"query": query}, headers=headers)
    print("[article]" + str(row['title']))
    print("[Address]" + "https://matters.news/@" + str(row['author']['userName']) + "/" + str(row['mediaHash']))
    print("[author]" + str(row['author']['displayName']) + "(message" + str(row['commentCount']) + " then)" + "\n")

Probably can automatically "no" clap to a specific user✦
Of course, whether or not it was actually successful or not, a certain Sha still needs to use Saviya to cut herself. (sweat)

Ahhh! In the end, everyone was talking about the camera, and I forgot to talk about today's illustrations.

In fact, the newly bought flat brush pen has arrived.
However, Mousha hadn't unpacked yet, and wanted to put it in the Zhouji to open the box, so she continued to draw with a small round water pen with a little fork~
And this time, maybe because of the darker color of the flowers, the white colored pencil made the spots more obvious✦

This effect feels good ❤
Then, routinely pat the back:

Very safe ✦
Wait to test whether the blacklist function of the camera that you messed with is useful. (*°ω°*ฅ)*

If successful, you can manually filter out the problematic user articles and stop shooting! (੭ु´ ᐜ `)੭ु⁾⁾

❀ Copy the source❀

Image of this block from English Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupinus_angustifolius
Photographic work by the author "Oyoyoy", his work uses the CC BY-SA 3.0 statement.

from Wikipedia

🎈 Indicate (*´ω`) people at the end of the article (´ω`*)

  • This article was first published on " Matt City " : https://matters.news/@sachanshih
    There are also backups in " Pathfinder " and " Blog " ; if you see the pictures and texts of this article on other websites, they are all reproduced without interruption.
  • If you like the works of " this series " , please " support " a certain Sha, or "clapp your hands and leave a message" to communicate!
    Welcome literary friends who "like ACGN or novel creation" to "recommend or self-recommend works"

🍀 Guide the wizard ( つ•̀ω•́)つ


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