
莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 蘇軾 - 定風波

Farewell, 2021!

It is difficult to part with some people, and it will not be cut off.

Haven't posted on Matters for ten days! On the last day of 2021, write at will and leave a message for a record.

I don’t have any problem with not posting, but I’m just more actively involved in real life, especially in the atmosphere of celebration and Christmas, I should spend the festival with my relatives and friends.

In 2021, some people don't want to leave, but they can't see each other anymore.

At the beginning of the year, an elder left, very sad.

In the middle of the year, a friend passed away at an early age, which is very sad.

More than ten days ago, on the eve of the winter solstice, I received news of the death of a friend, very suddenly!

After triggering me to write an article "Two Worlds", I suddenly stopped writing in Matters, as if lying flat.

In fact, many activities have been arranged around Christmas, such as pilgrimages, family reunions, watching movies, watching dramas, participating in Christmas Mass, volunteering activities, Christmas parties, as well as New Year's Eve gatherings, countdowns and so on. As always, I spent my time happily with the feeling of celebrating with the whole world, so I kept a little distance from writing to avoid triggering emotions that were not suitable for festivals.

Some people are preparing to count down, sum up this year, and look forward to the next year, but some people can't wait for tomorrow, and there is no next year. They can only give people nostalgia and memory, which will become a past history.

Some people appear at a certain moment in your life. Once everyone's meeting point passes, they separate and may never see each other again.

In the past, whenever there was something I couldn’t figure out, or I couldn’t make a decision, I would find a period of time to think slowly and let it go by chance. The time could be long or short, and there was no “dead line”. When you figure it out, make a decision without hesitation.

However, some people do not know when the "dead line" is reached, but when the time is up, they have to give up.

However, I actually know that it is hard to part for some people, and even though they have passed away, they will not be cut off.

They, goodbye, in 2021!


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