

Walking through the battlefield, there are green mountains and rivers everywhere

Cut off your fiery anger, don't you also get a bite of peace

In the afternoon, I was riding my bike alone. The sky was gray and it seemed like it was about to rain. I twisted the horsepower and went straight ahead. On the road, I accidentally caught a glimpse of three pigeons sitting on the top of the street light. My eyes were so focused that I almost forgot to pay attention. The car parked at the red light in front of you, but fortunately braked urgently, and instantly thought that as long as life begins, you have to learn to ignore irrelevant things in order to avoid hot and annoying crises, broaden your horizons, and meet a bright future .

I came to my father's shop for lunch, and the little cat jumped on the diagonal folding table. It used its tongue to comb its hair, and after a while, it easily jumped to the table directly in front of me, and its nose was sticking to smell me. I thought it was going to be eaten, but it jumped off after a while, I still picked up the food that was contaminated by it, and suddenly a bright spot flashed, thinking, my favorite, can't cater to everyone, you It is also impossible to change your original intention in order to please others, and you can only keep your own principles .

It ran to my sister-in-law briskly and kept biting her toe toes. I was hanging with a heart, and my sister-in-law was not afraid at all. It also showed sharp nails. Fortunately, it didn't tear it hard, just playing, sister-in-law. As soon as they stood up to greet the guests, the kitten fled in a panic, like waking up from a big dream, thinking in the bottom of her heart, she would cringe because of the pain, it is better to live in the opposite direction, stand up straight, and be at ease and beautiful at the moment .

Dad called Auntie and said, "My arm is injured, and I don't know it will hurt unless it touches water." Sister-in-law hurriedly took out the ointment and smeared it, and then applied ok to the wound, her eyes flashing brightly, and she subconsciously thought that she had heartache in her chest. Touch the past with the sea of sadness again, please relieve the pain for yourself, heal the wound and stop the bleeding, no, it’s okay .

Suddenly, the mother-in-law on the street was riding a tattered iron horse again and passed by. Dad mentioned to me that she asked a guest for money last time. No." The guest immediately changed his face and scolded her, "Don't let me see you in the future." Later, the mother-in-law begged for money from others. The male guest saw that she gave her a small amount of coins, and she immediately said to the guest, "I want more money. A few hundred dollars." The guest replied, "I only have big bills left." The mother-in-law pointed to her aunt and said, "Go buy a lunch box and find some money for me." Displeased, he said, "Do I want to give it to you?" After that, my mother-in-law didn't come back to eat at the restaurant. Dad sighed and said, "If you ask someone for money, you have to be humble, even if you have a dollar, you should be grateful. .” I thought silently, self-reliance, so I wouldn’t stumble into embarrassing situations, and I would be able to live a free and easy life .

After a while, my father went to cut the apple for me to eat. I looked at the cut fruit, and I thought to myself that if I cut off my fiery anger, I could also get a bite of peace. It can make people shine with festive fireworks and continue long-term happiness . I went to the alley to go to the toilet, and a cockroach hid in a panic beside the trash can. I realized that cockroaches all seek to survive in places that people don't love. No wonder their vitality is so strong.

I strode out, looked up and saw that it was getting late, and the child was coming back, so I said goodbye to my father and went back. On the way, I passed the lotus pond and looked at the scene of the accident. A white car was parked in the middle of the road, two cars The locomotives were lying on their backs, and the ambulance staff rushed to apply medicine to the injured. Fortunately, it was only a minor injury, but it was not a serious problem. I thought to myself, emotional friction is a trivial matter. If you are gone, who will make you happy? I will continue to run. , my eyes became dry and prickly. I cried and wiped it off with toilet paper, as if to say to me, compassionate water can cure the tingling, and the eyes are bright again .

As I rode to the side of the elementary school, the sun was shrouded in white clouds, still the Buddha's light was shining brightly, and I took pictures with joy, as if I saw the Bodhisattva giving birth to a warm flame, constantly expanding his great love. After entering the house, my son came back and bought me a glass of lemon honey water. I stared at this drink and thought intuitively in my heart, although bees have stings, they can make luscious honey, you become a mighty bear, like Putting on a heavy body armor, you are also invincible, so you don't need to be afraid .

Lying on the bed at night, the child sandwiched me in the middle, I smiled and said, "I'm like lettuce, you and your brother are two hamburgers, dad is a piece of chicken, and it happens to be a wheat-flavored chicken, and it smells good." My daughter said to me, "What about the sauce?" I said with a light smile, "We all have seasonings on hand." I shouted to my son, "Son, you like plain hamburgers, remember not to give them to our family again. Spicy and salty." I asked my daughter, "What flavor do you like?" She said, "Sour and spicy." " When you make the family sour and spicy, and stop your sullen breath, remember to take a sip of Coca-Cola and laughter to reconcile your emotions ." My daughter smiled and hugged me tightly.

Suddenly she blew her nose, and I said to my daughter with concern, "You too often say cold words to your brother, and your head needs to be warmed up by yang energy. If there are dark clouds, it will be like entering a freezer, and your nose will become very thick. I also catch a cold from time to time, and my nostrils are blocked. God reminds you to breathe in, not out." My daughter snuggled up beside me and understood my love for her.


Photo by Frank Albrecht on Unsplash


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