

Change your face in order to escort a love

Keep your heart upright, and you will get Yong Ning

The bright sky was swallowed by the gray clouds, and there was only a faint light left. We drove on the highway to the countryside to reunite, and glanced out of the car window. The huge sky and several towering buildings occupy my eyes. I said to the children in a subdued tone, "Buildings are like people. We need to lay a solid foundation so that those who live here will have peace of mind." The children said in unison, "I see." I turned to my husband and said, "If you want to To be a big man, you have to lay a solid foundation, so that you can give people who work hard with you, look at the mountains and the sea and see your ideals, instead of staring at the chaotic scenery, and even the future is hopeless." The husband listened silently and did not respond to any words. .

The dark gray clouds hang down, and it is drizzling. My eyes float to the bright place in the distance, and I cheered to myself that no matter how large the dark clouds are, they cannot cover all the blue sky and white clouds, and the dawn still releases many golden threads. , just waiting for you to open your closed heart and be drawn out of your longing by Him . Suddenly there was a bright green sports car driving on the highway, but there was a constant traffic jam ahead, so the supercar could only obey the law and drive at a reduced speed. I smiled and said loudly to my son, "Look at that sports car, No matter how rich you are, you have to follow the rules with everyone.” My son replied flatly, “Oh!”

After half an hour, a tow truck was pulling a smashed silver car, and my son shouted, "Look, Mom." I said to my son in a light and dark way, "After the collision, one party's mood must be frustrated, you Don’t quarrel with my sister at every turn, like that car broke down and can’t go on the road.” My son responded casually, “Mom, I see.”

When I came to the village, my eldest sister and I made an appointment to go to the Anlong Palace to pay homage, and I waved the saber randomly at the offerings, as if to say to me that other people’s swords were just swung in the air and could not hurt you by half a millimeter. Beating on the ground, I only heard the incomparable loudness of my heart, and the words of others were muted. I thought in my heart, once you encourage yourself, you will not hear the slightest commotion to disturb you , and the next second, I will slash the sharp sword in his back. He was beaten with blood, as if to say that when you can't let go of someone's sharp angry words, you will only scar your negative emotions and make them miserable. I watched his bloody wounds, and someone on the side helped him spray water to dilute it. When the bright red blood stains were removed, this act seemed to tell me that when my heart was covered with a layer of grief, I used pure water to heal my wounds and dilute the pain .

I followed him to the temple. He took the upside-down brush and drew a few strokes on the gold paper, as if to instruct me to say that if one's mind is not right, it's all empty writing. Then he took the right hand and wrote the word "Peace", as if in To inspire me, to keep my heart upright, and to gain Yong Ning , he stamped the seal with his fists vigorously, as if to keep in mind that a punch from someone else is to give me peace, so I have to accept it happily, and hand it over to Miao Gong, He started to speak as if he were singing a Peking Opera, but I could only hear the sound of home and prosperity. It seemed that managing the family well was the key point. After thanking him for his gift, he stepped out of the gate and left. The sound of firecrackers rang out in my ears. I couldn't bear the loud high decibel, so I had to cover it and comfort myself. The sound of other people's guns automatically closed my eardrums, and my heart was clear. I heard the cat's cry within a few steps. The mother cat was abandoned, but fortunately, the store next door found it hugged. I saw the kitten clinging to the other side as if she didn't want to be abandoned again. An amazing event.

I went for a walk with my eldest sister. There was a fallen frangipani on the ground. The eldest sister picked it up and smelled the good fragrance. Even if it was eclipsed, it still gave people a good smell of fragrance. Breath, we met two dogs, the yellow dog seemed to be sick, the black dog was guarding it and issued a warning sound, I didn't expect it to change its face in order to escort a love, and it also changed me, maybe others are angry, it is to defend love The appearance, you can only avoid, and will not be damaged .

We fled quickly, looking at the pond in the distance, a few fish jumped out, only the vast area is unrestricted, can we swim out joy, my heart is floating, less fetters, and staring attentively, the blazing sun of the evening, The golden light shining brightly on the fish pond suddenly appeared. The elder sister interrupted my meditation with a few shouts. She invited me to walk over. I saw that the pond was cloudy and bottomless. The place where there is a lot of golden avenues , we came to the uncle's fish pond, I kindly said to my nephew who was fishing, "Do you like fishing?" He nodded, and I said seriously, "In the future, someone will use The hook hurts you, so you have to hold back." His face wrinkled and he said bluntly, "Auntie, you lied." I giggled and said, "You'll understand what I'm saying when you grow up."

I gave him a meaningful look and said, "You have to be calm when fishing. Sometimes the bait will be eaten up, and there is not even one. You have to be calm, and sooner or later you will catch a big fish." The nephew nodded and concentrated again. When I was fishing, I walked back quickly, and when my uncle saw me coming back, he happily chatted with me, "I sell sweet potatoes in Hutoushan, Taoyuan, and the most important thing is quality. Your food is not sweet, and no one buys it no matter how cheap it is. , you must pay attention to the quality, and the customers are very picky, you must choose the flat appearance, the rough and dented, no one will buy it." I seem to be collecting treasure books, and I realize that I still have shortcomings and needs to be improved. .

The uncle also revealed the secrets of keeping shrimps, specifically instructing to say, "There are three kinds of creatures to be raised, milkfish is responsible for eating moss, shrimps can survive without being polluted by moss, clams eat their excrement to maintain the cleanliness of the pond, Only three kinds of creatures can be prosperous at the same time.” I thought about a good cycle, creating a good environment, and also growing .


Jackie Chan Wetland


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