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The 53rd Issue of Commissioned Data Report - The 30th proposal has passed, and the amount of airdrops can be checked

Although the airdrop has not yet started, you can already check your income by clicking "Connect Wallet" in the upper right corner of the LikeCoin airdrop inquiry page to connect your wallet.

This issue is the fifty-third commissioned data report. The data is taken from the evening of 15/1/2022 and compared with the data of the evening of 8/1/2022 last Saturday. The data interval is a regular 7 days. The last issue quickly entered the voting stage, and the thirtieth proposal on the amendment to the LikeCoin airdrop has been voted on and passed successfully. Although the airdrop has not yet started, you can already check your income by clicking "Connect Wallet" in the upper right corner of the LikeCoin airdrop inquiry page to connect your wallet. The 30th motion had a voter turnout of 60%, of which the vast majority were in favour, and less than 0.01% of the votes were against or abstained. Proposition 31 is on the ballot this week. This proposal is mainly to implement the nineteenth proposal, which is to sponsor the Cosmos HackATOM VI, which is equivalent to $50,000 of LikeCoin. According to the relevant exchange rate, the Ecosystem Development Fund will pay Tendermint 1912045 LikeCoins to Tendermint. The old cat has voted for it. Lao Mao supports LikeCoin to increase its popularity and awareness by sponsoring the Comcos system, and can also give back to the Comcos system. And this proposal is to implement a proposal that has been passed. Unless the implementation is wrong, everyone should actively support and vote to maintain the administrative efficiency of LikeCoin.

Let's take a look at the wide range of numbers:

 Number of wallets delegated: 2720 (new high)
Number of newly added/exited delegate wallets: 174 / 20
Total Likecoin delegated: 511 million Validators in service: 50
Number of new join/exit validators: 4 / 4
Total number of orders: 5734 (new high)
Entrusted rate: 8.41% (new high)
Entrustment ratio: 47.41%

The total number of orders in this issue has rebounded by 6 million. Although it failed to make up for the drop of more than 14 million last week, the number of wallets and the number of orders have both rebounded, and the recovery rate is higher than that of last week. tone. The proportion of entrustment rose to 47.41% due to the increase in the total number of entrustments, which is still far from the safety line of 67%, and comrades still need to work hard. The entrusted interest rate continued to rise, rising 0.12% this week to 8.41%, continuing to hit a new high. At present, the entrustment ratio is not high and the entrustment interest rate is on the rise, and the actual income of the entrustment is quite good. There are still 50 validators, and 4 of them have been relocated.

Let's take a look at some mean and median data:

 Average number of Likecoins per order: 89,100 (new low)
The average commission of a single wallet: 188,000 (new low)
Single Order Likecoin Median: 200 Single Wallet Order Median: 500 (new low)
The average number of delegations of validators: 10.21 million validators' average number of delegations: 115

In this issue, the number of orders has increased, but the number of wallets and the number of orders have increased even more, so the averages of a single order and a single wallet have both dropped and hit a new low. The median entrustment has also dropped, and the median entrustment of a single wallet has hit a new low. Is LikeCoin Chain becoming more and more popular? The average delegation amount and the number of transactions of validators increased due to the simultaneous increase of the amount of delegation and the total number of transactions.

Here are some more interesting numbers:

 The highest number of Likecoins in a single order: 20.35 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 100 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 50 (new high)
The maximum number of orders for one bet: 20.35 million

In this issue, the maximum number of delegations for a single wallet has risen to a maximum of 50 at one time, which is of course a new high. Until the maximum number of validators increases, this data will not reach a new high again. In addition, the maximum number of orders for a single order continues to jump at the same time as the maximum number of orders for a single bet, and Qiqi slightly increases by more than 50,000, while the maximum number of orders for a single wallet remains unchanged. Although four validators have been relocated this week, the validator scatter diagram for this issue is almost the same as last week, which is very bizarre. The report is complete.


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