
一個過了40歲的老小孩 家有2貓一女兒 用正面積極的態度面對生活 會把心裡的脆弱與負面想法表達出來 需要讓黑暗面消化掉

Today is nice.

Live in the moment.


Going out with Bunniu this morning

My car is blocked by another car

Need to call someone to move the car

Then go to the bus terminal for breakfast

Need to wait more than 20 minutes

I am afraid that I will give up the painting class too late

When leaving the breakfast shop

Buniu just said Dad, we weren't very Lucky this morning

I told her it was a small thing

Don't let these little things affect a beautiful day

she said but i didn't feel beautiful today

I asked her why?

She answered me because I was going to Totur junior in the afternoon

I say English class is a kind of learning

Get used to it and feel beautiful

she said back to me

I'm used to it but still not beautiful



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