
立志當一道義大利麵,做一個溫暖的麵麵 (創作/書評/影評/樂評//專業/觀察文)隱藏甜點文?

Weasel Pen Wide Face|Pseudo [Representational Article] Should it be hot?

Teach you how to rub the heat 3.0. If you want to make noise, go to the dance studio to make noise. This is a hot article. Don't doubt it, I'm here to make a noise. Woohoo~ I'm an idiot, I forgot to file a case to end the previous one first, haha so I had to repost
Source - Ferret Pen Lamb 4.0

do not doubt! ! ! This is my second post, woohoo~ I forgot the Matt City Eloquent Arena System of the Matt City Architects Public Fund , the previous one must be finished before the case can be filed.
Since the first time was unsuccessful, I had to rub the second time.
Don't doubt, I'll return the one I just shook inside XD
It's really a fake talk, it's really "rubbing" the heat

I was in low pressure a few days ago, let's have some gray humor, let's let the lightning angel ferret pen wide face continue to teach you how to rub the heat 3.0 and finally return.
do not doubt! ! This is the last one, teaching you how to rub it ( although it is a popular article, everyone really loves it)

Any article will have more than 5 hours, and the harvest is full (?)
You can also swipe and earn event bonuses. Kill two birds with one stone (?)
The front is to rub the heat, and the back is really asking questions.

Before talking about the heat, let's talk about creation.

Can Matt City create any articles?

That’s right, if you want to post daily, waste, dog and cat, sleep, food, recipes, danmei, and fussing, you’ll be fine (there is no rule in Matt City, you must only do what you create, so only Diverse and inclusive)

You type, " The weather is so nice today, I'm hungry." It's also a creative essay.

We can all watch other people live and sleep, why can’t we watch other people’s rubbish (X)
(I also really want to lie down and sleep to make money, not to encourage everyone to write nonsense.)

In a trading market, all the goods of everyone are good goods, and some people will sell fake or even inferior goods.
It may be that the origin is fake or the product is sold at a high price. The free market mechanism is like this.
But the government will not arbitrarily intervene in the mechanism of the market.
How to compete? Create more good articles, recommend more good creators, and make the environment better.

If " bad money drives out good money, then good money drives out bad money".
In the general environment, everyone is willing to create good articles, and there will be fewer and fewer bad articles.
I'm just complaining about why everyone here likes to post wasteful articles and everyday articles, it's just a place for rubbish coins.
Why do bad essays get so many clappings, I did not clapped when I was serious about writing. ( I'm so sad I can't make any money)

Then I will teach you a method, you can make good use of the popularity, you might as well create good content, and mark it @鳳pens widen face, I will definitely help you promote and promote it.
(But the premise is that I think you are really good, or you are just kidding yourself, I wrote very well)

If your writing is really great, I will give you money and you don’t want it
(I won’t just give money to people I know because I am familiar with me. I see that good writing is really worth it. )
(Whisper, if there are people who participate in my community activities very seriously or move me, I will pay directly)

No matter what kind of text is more valuable than plagiarism, so don't plagiarize it, 啾Mi\( ̄︶ ̄*\))

How to make your article popular?

First, create carefully, second, hold the ferret's thigh seriously, third, praise the ferret more <br class="smart">The previous article said too much reading other people's articles, getting to know more citizens with different creative styles, and improving yourself way of creation.
I believe that "Sincere Creation" will make people willing to stay and read slowly, and the reading hours will become longer.
Naturally, after you post, your work will become more popular.

In fact, there is another ultimate trick. As long as you have the ability to make money , you can make other people's articles popular. I will teach you to first take out your credit card, press my wallet, and store the value of "Hong Kong dollars". You are a big one.
That's right! As long as you use the works of other people supported by Hong Kong dollars , his articles will be popular in a short time.

After all, you are using the banknote ability , and you are directly supporting others with fiat currency (the system will give a little bonus)
Many people are not willing to support others with fiat currency. If you want to change, you can <br class="smart">As for how much Hong Kong dollars to use, find out for yourself XD.

The relationship between the perimeter and the heat?

Articles that have been put into the perimeter will stay in the "hot" area for a longer time than ordinary articles. I don't know how long it actually is. If someone has the ability to use money, it must be longer.
(Weiron is an event that is officially being promoted now, so it would have given a little bonus, which is also very reasonable.)

So if you want your article to be popular for a long time, you can throw it into the kiln (I don’t know how to use the kiln for private use, I know the purpose of the kiln is to promote what you want to create)
This hot article is not what I wanted to talk about when I first applied for a fire.
(But it didn't say how the perimeter can only be used, as long as you are happy)

If you care about exposure and popularity, apply for a perimeter quickly . (I'm tired of thinking about running a business now~QQ)

rubbing heat in the end, right? ?

Let's talk about the heat

This is a problem I discovered recently. To be honest, the reading hours of my writing articles are really far lower than those of popular articles. As long as I talk about clapping, popularity, social interaction, waste articles, and plagiarized articles, there will be a lot of people arguing. This kind of viewing hours is really long enough (believe it or not, the hours will be very long)
Usually, it takes more than 4-5 hours to write an article, but a popular article can be born in about 1 hour. I will change my career and create it with the popularity 🤣🤣🤣

To a certain extent, popularity is an indicator of a platform. The types of articles that most people care about means that most people care about applause and money. They are really arrogant.

Heat also affects your money.
What I can say is that clapping your hands does not mean that you get more likes. Both creators have 100 shots. Will the likecoins you get will be the same?
It must be different, the system is actually not as stupid as you think.
And then praise citizens can be allocated more than ordinary citizens because people have money to support this platform, and it is good for the platform to develop in the long run.
I am a platform and I am willing to give these people a little more resources.
 People who only enjoy the benefits given by the platform but are unwilling to invest in the platform are children who have no sugar and are clamoring for sugar. I only want sugar but I don’t want to pay for it.

Let's talk about "pseudo", whether it is advisable or not to be popular

Because of the popularity of the articles, most of the perpetrators that cause people to think " eat melon mentality " just like to gossip and eat melons, especially when they are related to their own interests, they will be more actively involved.

Isn't this a waste of text (coins) with a change of direction? Use human nature to make money to lead the trend.
In fact, we all know in our hearts that the concepts mentioned in the article are the truths that everyone usually understands, but they can attract a lot of traffic, eyeballs, and even interests.
Is this a good thing for a platform of creative freedom?

If the popularity of rubbing becomes a mainstream, will it cause the platform to lose its original meaning?
If everyone is only arguing about the popularity, will it be good for the atmosphere and development of the platform?
Let's take a moment to think about and discuss this matter by the way.

It doesn't matter if I haven't filed a case, I'm just here to rub the heat <br class="smart">I was still reporting during the event period, what am I doing now~QQ

Haha~ I'm dying of laughing at myself, we can still discuss if it is really enthusiastic, I will come up with a "real" proposal in the next round


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