
身體在躺平🦥 思維在迭代💭 |Edutainer in @lazybeanz.eth 懶人區塊空間 |Guest Host in @viutv 節目《智富財經》 |課外活動:寫文章、營運補習學校、藝人廣告、玩桌遊

/Daily feed|Talk about the relationship between SBT and social credit rating|An irresistible control tool is about to come out

The advent of a powerful technology is bound to be accompanied by controversy and discussion, and Soulbound Token is the same. Like dynamite, we can use it to develop civilization or destroy it.

The advent of a powerful technology must be accompanied by controversy and discussion, and Soulbound Token is the same. Like dynamite, we can use it to develop civilization or destroy it.

The spirit of blockchain is decentralization. I want to remind everyone here that "decentralization" is not done to defeat the "center", just as we don't ask the bank to borrow money because we hate our friends.

The reason why "decentralization" is supported by everyone is that it makes everyone do not need the center, and this model has better effects.

Although decentralization has not been fully popularized at this stage, it is already subverting the traditional model. Many existing "centers" have begun to "take the essence and remove the dross" and implement "decentralization" under a "big center".

That is to say, your NFT is still in a blockchain and still has the advantages of most blockchains, but this chain has a power core, a rule maker, and the right to do any operation.

This is the way some countries are currently dealing with NFTs/blockchains, it's a phenomenon and I don't comment on good or bad.

The invention of SBT will strengthen the power of this "decentralization under the center", because SBT is engraved on everyone and cannot be removed. When applied to the credit record system of the relevant country, these records will be deeper More incomprehensible imprints.

That is to say, assuming that the central power executor of the system is corrupted, he will be able to use his power to execute the death sentence on anyone, and give you a Bad record recorded under the blockchain, making you even more inescapable than now.

To give another example, now some people have bad records, and may use bribery/some means to erase the bad records, but under the SBT technology, the price of this behavior will be very high.

//It's not easy to write without interruption every day, I invite everyone to help a lot Like + Share + Comment❤️

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IG: @myttt.eth


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