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Daily feed|Disney dominates the world with IP copyrights|The future is a "copyright-free CC0" world?

Recently, the founder of Moonbird, a blue-chip NFT project, announced that Moonbird has been opened as a CC0 copyright-free IP, officially entering the public creation field.

Recently, the founder of Moonbird, a blue-chip NFT project, announced that Moonbird has been opened as a CC0 copyright-free IP, officially entering the public creation field.

As soon as the news came out, the floor price of Moonbird rose by 20%, and various second-generation projects of Moonbird also danced on the wind (for example, the transaction volume of the project Boonmird was as high as 800,000 US dollars a day).

CC0 means giving up the right to restrict commercial use, and anyone can create and commercialize at will. Like Winnie the Pooh, as soon as the copyright period expires, someone launches a bloody Winnie the Pooh movie.

As can be seen from the copyright spectrum above (swipe right), the well-known NFT series moonbird, mfer and Nouns are all CC0s, and Nouns' innovative business model has made it the most expensive CC0 NFT series, with a floor price of over one million so far.

The other extreme is the traditional IP that does not open copyrights such as Mickey Mouse, Vfriends and so on.

As for most NFT projects, such as BAYC, the seller has bought out the copyright and can make movies, open restaurants, and cooperate with each other, but it is not open to the public.

Nike's NFT project CloneX has been officially opened to Holders from the original limited commercial rights (commercial use of more than 1 million needs to apply).

The impact of NFT technology on IP management is that an IP can not only be run by another company, but also allow more people to join and become a part of it in a way similar to "franchising".

Just imagine, if Batman is CC0 and Superman belongs to DC Studio, then even if Superman "can fly", he will not become popular all over the world faster than Batman.

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