
人生中場,生活、婚姻、職場、投資都是半調子,但,這沒什麼不好。光譜般的方方面面,都不該只有好或壞、對或錯,我喜歡現在的生活,喜歡現在我的半調子人生。 邀請您一起來參與我的分享。內容主題也許很雜亂,但複雜是人生的本質,而簡單卻是我們的選擇,擇我所愛、愛我所擇。

My new world of cryptocurrency investing~Osmosis

Before, I shared some of my investment experiences and investment plans since I entered the cryptocurrency investment field. At that time, my main platforms were "centralized exchanges", such as Binance, Bybit, and Paiwang, etc. , Among them, Binance makes me feel that there are many ways to play, and I will try them all; Bybit mainly buys platform coins to participate in the issuance of new coins; Paiwang is to play grid, futures and cash arbitrage, etc. Once, I thought it was very interesting, and the profit was satisfactory, so I played it for a while.

This matter changed after I joined Liker Social. I began to come into contact with a lot of information such as airdrops and high-yield mining profits. I felt that the decentralized world has more surprises. Especially the airdrops, seeing so many people getting airdrops feels like winning the jackpot, so exciting! But... I didn't act on my heart, and I didn't even study the "K-spray wallet" that citizens kindly reminded me to open as soon as I entered Matters. Now that I think about it, I should have been more active at that time.

But the opportunity that should come is always unavoidable. On January 10th, @sloth’s life is like a special city toot, which attracted me to reply. The content is related to the meme coin "Chihuahua" . I didn't expect the sloth to have good intentions. Offer me 10 Chihuahuas, as long as I provide the " K-spray wallet address ". OMG! I really want a Chihuahua, but I don't have a K-spray wallet ! So, I gathered up my courage and officially entered the decentralized world. Unexpectedly, everything went smoothly. After referring to the article recommended by the sloth, I opened the K-spray wallet in three or two clicks, and then expanded the address of the Chihuahua wallet in the wallet and provided it to the sloth, and confirmed it the next morning. Afterwards, 10 Chihuahuas were safe in my wallet.

Then there is the question, how to use 10 Chihuahuas? It just happened that Chihuahua coins were just airdropped, and many great gods shared the two wonderful uses of Chihuahua: delegation (staking) and liquidity mining . I heard that the commission (pledge) interest rate broke 1000% at the beginning, and I checked it at the time and it was about 550%; and the liquidity mining is the mining pool #605 and #606 on Osmosis, and the APR was also more than 100% at that time. At that time, because I was not familiar with Osmosis, and the interest rate for entrustment (staking) was too amazing, I entrusted 10 Chihuahuas to the code farmer without hesitation.

But it's not over, it's just the beginning. Because of Chihuahua’s reasons, I was able to earnestly crawl the article, do the entrustment and pledge myself, and also went to Dr. Osmosis’s laboratory for a good walk, and found two major incentives: liquidity mining with high APR, and external rewards. That is to say, there are many mining pools that, in addition to the high APR, can also get additional rewards during the period, and the rate of return is too fragrant . From then on, I started to be tempted to act immediately. After I exchanged some of the funds in Binance with ATOM and transferred it to the K-spray wallet, I started to entrust and pledge, and I also entered Osmosis to start liquidity mining, and I had a lot of fun. Happy.

I have also tried to play more these days, as long as I see that some city friends have posted about being a validator, such as the newly established BCNA validator node by @chickencake GCAKE , and the Desmos (DSM) validator node by @leafwind , I will exchange some coins for entrustment and pledge. I find it super interesting. It can also be regarded as some support for these marketers who provide a lot of good information. In the future, if I have the ability, I will increase the entrustment!

In short, every day I go up and see that I have some income coming in, I feel very happy. Although the price of the coin has fallen sharply in the past two days, it makes me want to overweight and then buy it and throw it into Osmosis for operation. I always feel that the deeper the research, the more potential the Cosmos ecosystem is. Osmosis can develop in Osmosis, so Osmosis has become my new investment world. Friends who haven't participated, welcome to join us!


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