
《區塊勢》創辦人|LikeCoin、Desmos 驗證者。寫作當飯吃,目前都有吃飽。也有主持 podcast 節目,錄音是最近的愛。 買酒的速度比喝酒的速度快,家裡沙發底下是酒窖。最愛 Moscato。最遠去過巴西,最驚奇是在亞馬遜河游泳、釣食人魚,兩件事分開做。 沒爬過玉山,單車環島騎到一半,成功泳渡日月潭。以穿短褲上班為傲,衣櫥沒有大格子襯衫。

MediaTek's First Invested Blockchain Innovation — Interview with ITM CEO Chen Zhouren

MediaTek recently announced its first investment in the blockchain startup ITM International Trust Machine Company . They use the blockchain to store data in the production process to ensure that the data is not tampered with.

I know that many people have read the news reports and have been confused by the technical terms such as IC, Internet of Things, and blockchain. In this episode, I will invite Chen Zhouyi, CEO of ITM International Trust Machine, to talk about the blockchain under the Internet of Things. application.

Block Potential_MediaTek's first investment in blockchain innovation — Interview with ITM CEO Chen Zhouren

This episode includes:

  1. How is the name of ITM so similar to IBM?
  2. Blockchain deposit evidence makes key evidence no longer "disappeared"
  3. Large electronics factory uses blockchain to give Apple peace of mind

Further reading:

  1. Make data as traceable as green vegetables — Interview with Numbers co-founders Tammy and Sofía (public)
  2. Bringing Post Office Deposits to the Internet — Blockchain Allows Gmail to Send Deposit Letters (Members Only)
  3. The New York Times is a weapon against fake pictures in the community (members only)

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