
《區塊勢》創辦人|LikeCoin、Desmos 驗證者。寫作當飯吃,目前都有吃飽。也有主持 podcast 節目,錄音是最近的愛。 買酒的速度比喝酒的速度快,家裡沙發底下是酒窖。最愛 Moscato。最遠去過巴西,最驚奇是在亞馬遜河游泳、釣食人魚,兩件事分開做。 沒爬過玉山,單車環島騎到一半,成功泳渡日月潭。以穿短褲上班為傲,衣櫥沒有大格子襯衫。

【Podcast】Behind-the-scenes thoughts on opening cryptocurrency subscription and NFT issuance

I believe that many people have read the report of " Duan Media ". On their 6th anniversary, they launched two new blockchain-related attempts - open cryptocurrency subscriptions and issue NFTs.

After seeing this news, in addition to being very happy that "Duan Media" and "Block Situation" have done similar things, I am also curious about what kind of user needs "Duan Media" is going to meet, or whether it is in a new layout. field?

Therefore, this episode of podcast invites Zhang Yongxin, director of user operations of "Duan Media", to talk about the behind-the-scenes thinking of these two attempts and the obstacles encountered in the process.

Click here to listen

This episode includes:

  1. How to subscribe to Duan Media with cryptocurrency?
  2. It turns out that the cryptocurrency subscription is a function that has been knocked out for 4 years?
  3. What is the significance of issuing NFT to Duan Media?
  4. What CNN's NFTs haven't done yet

Further reading:

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