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The original lyrics, English translation and Chinese translation of the famous Latin American left-wing song "QUE BONITA BANDERA" (translated from English translation))



Que bonita bandera

Que bonita bandera

Que bonita bandera es la bandera Puertoriqueña

Azul, blanca, y colorada,

y en el medio tiene un (una?) estrella

Bonita señores es la bandera Puertoriqueña


Todo buen Puertoriqueña

Es bueno que la defienda,

Bonita señores, es la bandera Puertoriqueña

Bonita señora es

Que bonita es ella

Que bonita es la bandera Puertoriqueña


Bonita, señores;

Que bonita es ella.

Bonita, señores es la bandera Puertoriqueña

Bonita, señores;

Es bueno que la defienda,

Bonita señores, es la bandera Puertoriqueña

Pete's notes: A patriotic song I learned in 1955 from young Puerto Ricans living in New York. I've been unable to locate the composer. If you cannot sing the chorus in harmony, the melody of the alto part should be sung, rather than the soprano.

My attempt at a translation:


How beautiful is the flag

How beautiful is the flag

How beautiful is the flag of Puerto Rico

Blue, white, and red

With a star in the middle

Beautiful indeed is the flag of Puerto Rico.

(unclear to me)

The good of Puerto Rico

It is good which is defended

Beautiful indeed is the flag of Puerto Rico.

It is like a beautiful woman

So beautiful it is

How beautiful is the flag of Puerto Rico

Chinese translation:

What a beautiful flag!

What a beautiful flag!

What a beautiful flag of Puerto Rico!

One blue, one white, one red,

a star in the middle,

The Puerto Rico flag is really pretty.

All the good things in Puerto Rico,

Worth my defense.

The Puerto Rico flag is really pretty.

This flag is like a beauty,

Pretty as a beauty.

What a beautiful flag of Puerto Rico!

Video of this song on YouTube:


An English website in the United States introduced the song:



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