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Summary of my notes: Huang Si's goal is to achieve a narrow sense of regionalism in Hong Kong. There is no way to distinguish between Hong Kong people and mainlanders in terms of ethnicity, language, race, etc., so they discriminate against origin

10/07/2019 Summary of my notes. Hope you advise.

The main purpose of Huangsi's promotional materials is to cover up the tendency of Hong Kong independence and use deceptive words. Hong Kong is basically divided into two kinds of people, yellow silk (Hong Kong independence), blue silk (supporting reunification, may be anti-communist or support the Communist Party) and the others have some minorities.

Huangsi's home base is Lian Deng lihkg.com

The main purpose of Huangsi is to realize the narrow regionalism of Hong Kong. But they cannot distinguish Hong Kong people from mainlanders in terms of ethnicity, language, race, etc., so they discriminate against origin.

99.9% of Hong Kong people are immigrants from the mainland. Most of them only learned non-standard Cantonese after they arrived in Hong Kong. So much so that it is different from today's authentic Cantonese. Huang Si believes that mainlanders are the worst, followed by new immigrants, followed by Lan Si, all of which can be targets of struggle. That's why the locust said, because these Chinese people are locusts and come to Hong Kong to loot.

Recently, there have been violent acts against people who speak Mandarin and support Lansi shops. Even disregarding the safety of passengers, they smashed Chinese trains with bricks and iron pipes. Uncle Lansi was also beaten by lynching on the street.

In theory, this kind of regionalism is similar to the peasants fighting in the village as a unit.

Another manifestation of Huangsi's narrow regionalism is that it is especially friendly to foreigners.

Internally, Huang Si's strategy is to reduce Hong Kong's control over the Chinese Constitution, the National Security Law, the Nationality Law, the National Flag Law, and the Basic Law of Hong Kong. On Lian Deng, there are a lot of instructions for making "cultural propaganda", the purpose is to choose words carefully and cover up the real intention. I hope that it will take time to create conditions for Hong Kong independence. There are three cases.

  • The first is the highly deceptive "true universal suffrage" . The dual universal suffrage mentioned in the Basic Law is a gradual process under the leadership of the Chinese government. In this process, the bottom line of the Chinese government is that there can be no Hong Kong leaders who oppose the central government. Otherwise, it will become a Chinese infighting. The purpose of "genuine universal suffrage" is to get rid of this restriction and produce a pro-Western and anti-China regime. Leading this is mainly the "Civil Human Rights Front", also known as the "FDC". They gained access to American political circles through contacts with American NGOs. The most famous NGO is NED. Although the channels are unofficial institutions, they have access to non-government party forces.
  • The second is called full autonomy. Huang Zhifeng's main point . It means that on the basis of "true universal suffrage", the influence of the Chinese government will be gradually removed, so as to realize the full autonomy of the Huangsi government, get rid of the influence of national security laws, and realize an anti-China stronghold in Hong Kong. Serve the interests of Western countries, thereby earning Hong Kong's special status. This can be seen clearly from Huang Zhifeng's development path. Huang Zhifeng got help through the direct basis of the US government, which means that he is generally called "color revolution". The downside of this path is that the US government changes every 4/8 years and sometimes instability is thrown away.
  • The third is separatism, which is the most direct Hong Kong independence . This is an undercurrent. Because it was shown that the leaders of Hong Kong independence were attacked. So no one came forward. However, someone recently wrote the "Declaration of the Establishment of the Republic of Hong Kong". Thousands of people rallied in the shopping mall and declared the establishment. Such behavior is blatant Hong Kong independence. All yellow wires are supported

Many scholars in Hong Kong are Huangsi, so they appear in the image of teachers, which is very effective in guiding the thinking of the next generation. It should be pointed out that Hong Kong independence is Huang Si's ultimate ideal. How to achieve this ideal, there are different opinions . Because it is too difficult to directly achieve Hong Kong independence. Therefore, Lian Deng's mainstream opinion is: temporarily disguise, maximize benefits, combine foreign forces, and wait for China to become weak to achieve Hong Kong independence.

Externally, Huang Si's strategy is to promote the belief in Western liberal democracy, vigorously promote the darkness of China, and create the image of their oppressed and weak. Combine with international anti-China forces to seek international military, material, moral assistance, and public opinion support.

This coincides with the practice of the United States to suppress China. The main argument is that China is an authoritarian government with no personal freedom. Arouse the terror of communism that people abroad have acquired from childhood education. Morey is on this road, thinking that it is to support free will in a broad sense, how lofty. In fact, it was used by the Hong Kong independence forces and became a pawn against China. You can go to /r/hongkong and take a look.

The Deceptiveness of the Five Appeals

When the five demands were put forward for the first time, the fifth one was Lin Zheng's resignation. Later, the FDC felt that it was wrong. Article 5 was changed to "genuine universal suffrage". Only in this way can it be combined with the goal of Hong Kong independence. Because "five demands, one is indispensable". If the five demands are accepted, it means that the road to "true universal suffrage" for Hong Kong independence has succeeded.


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