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Hot summer Yiji ♥ Extreme heat, big heat, small heat, dog days, want to have some today...?

The hot and humid Sanfu should also be spent refreshingly and elegantly (?) ~ XD
Three Volts in the Northern Hemisphere

three volts

After carefully drawing the picture, I just feel that the mathematics of the ancients is also very good. The most basic calendar of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, one is in decimal and the other is in 12, and you need to know the solar terms. Sometimes variables are added, so you must define them well. It's a miracle that it still applies in the end!

To put it simply, Sanfu is the beginning of the first fu/first fu on the third geng day after the summer solstice; the fourth geng day is the middle fu/second fu; Two geng sun rises. The above is an absolutely fixed definition, other simple explanations look at the picture!

The dates marked are mainly in the northern hemisphere, and the southern hemisphere is opposite in winter and summer, so it should be exactly half a year.

As the saying goes, "The heat is in the three volts". After the summer solstice, the yin qi should start to arise, but the setting sun suppresses it. The yin that was born is suppressed and cannot probe out of the surface, but the yang qi in the ground is also forced out, so the yang qi on the surface explodes. Many, usually followed by explosion heat~

Sanfu is in the summer vacation, so I admired the people who set the vacation at the beginning. Guess the original idea should be to keep the growing young flowers from drying out, but later, more and more summer tutoring and other things, but still have to continue to go to school on hot days. Although it is said that obediently has a great chance to have a holiday, it is just to run around and play around (laughs).

➤ Three volts in 2022

  • Chufu: July 16 - July 25
  • Zhongfu: July 26-August 14
  • Mofu: August 15th - August 24th


1> Washing and drying

Exploding hot climate + exploding sunlight = super fast drying.

It is recommended to pay attention to the water conditions of reservoirs in various places first, " Reservoir Real-Time Water Conditions in Taiwan ". If you are sure that the current inventory is good, you can take the opportunity to wash some large items such as curtains, or pillow dolls stuffed with cotton, etc., and use the power of hot summer to quickly dry Dry.

There are also herbs, peppers, etc. at this time are very good opportunities for drying.

  • In this season, there are occasional showers or typhoons with strong convection. Please refer to the " Weather " before washing and drying.

2> Remove moisture and dehumidify

The climate of Taiwan's islands is almost a condition of excessive humidity, especially in modern cities where air-conditioning is rampant, beverages and ice products are prosperous, and it is more common to mix and match the complicated conditions of wet and cold and dry and hot at the same time. Living in a basin where hot air and moisture are more difficult to dissipate or a place with high population density, cold air and high density hot air and moisture is more abundant, and it is very necessary to adopt some different degrees of dehumidification methods according to the body.

If the system for managing water and body fluids is healthy and strong, basically there is no need to remove dampness and dehumidification, and the water and body fluids needed by the internal and external organs can be automatically sent to the correct location, and the unnecessary waste water can be discharged. net.

You will obviously feel that your body is heavy with moisture or have related symptoms. It must be a sub-healthy jump with a different physique. It is best to start paying attention to your diet and living habits now, and reverse it as soon as possible to avoid accumulating serious illness. It will be even more difficult!

The concept of winter disease and summer treatment: The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic puts forward the concept of four seasons health preservation in "The Great Theory of Four Qi Regulations". Simply put, if you don't take good care of it in the current season, you will bury the cause of the next season or the next season. Therefore, it can also be said that the cause of autumn and winter has already formed in summer, so taking advantage of the summer to draw wages from the bottom of the cauldron to prevent the cause of the cause, the autumn can be refreshing.

  • Sanfu Moxibustion: " 2022 Winter Diseases and Summer Treatment of Sanfu Timetable (Early Fu) (Middle Fu) (Last Fu) " by the Institute of Moxibustion and Traditional Chinese Medicine 》, to prevent health care from becoming harm to the body~
  • Dog sticks: Originating from the Qing Dynasty, it is also used in the dog days when the yang qi is prosperous and the pores are enlarged, and specific traditional Chinese medicines are pasted on the meridian points to boost yang qi, remove cold and expel dampness, and can improve allergies and respiratory tract-related problems. Weak constitutions, young children, and pregnant women are not allowed to paste.

3> slightly sweating through the hair

Too much is not enough to talk about disease.
  • There are two channels for the body to excrete waste water: one is urine and the other is sweat.

If it is not drained, the waste water accumulates in the body, and there is a problem for sure. Excretion is too much, and even the good and needed water and body fluids are excreted, and there will be problems.

In hot summer, the pores open to dissipate heat, and occasionally it is hot enough to sweat profusely. It is best to adapt to the local climate, such as Taiwan with a subtropical tropical climate, high temperature and humidity, avoid the excessively stimulating sunlight at noon in hot summer, and enjoy the benefits of the sun in the morning and evening. In the dog days of 2019-2010, you can live comfortably and lose a lot of skin troubles.

The premise is to consider your own physique. If you are invincible, physically weak, severely ill, severely deprived of yin and blood, etc., even a slight sweat must be carefully considered. It is best to avoid sweating and raise your body first. You can take a deep breath of yang in the shade of the sun as much as possible outdoors.

It is best to change your clothes as soon as possible after sweating. Wearing sweaty clothes is easy to catch cold. If you go in and out of the air-conditioned room, it will hurt your health.

4> Physical diet

There is no such thing as good or bad food, only food that is suitable for your body.

Completely healthy people can eat some of the popular seasonal health foods.
People with different physiques, please control your diet according to your own physique characteristics and avoid becoming seasonal health food~

  • Damp-removing diet: Poria, ginger, can dilute water and disperse water. Many people without water can eat properly.
  • Moisturize and reduce fire to help defecation: Immortal grass jelly, Aiyu, black and white fungus drink, sesame paste, boiled Geyujin powder, boiled lotus root powder, and directly drink oil. People with dry mouth and profuse sweating should eat properly, people with edema should eat less depending on the situation, and people with gastroesophageal reflux should eat less or not according to the severity.
  • Bitter and sour diarrhea: bitter gourd, boiled tomato, ebony soup, and vinegar can help digestion, and eating properly can also boost appetite. Eating too much is not good.
  • Curry: The magical magic dish of oil and spices, boosting appetite and helping digestion, it is suitable for all seasons!
  • Further reading: " Curry: 200 Taste Changes for 100 People "
  • Mung bean, mint, watermelon: super annealing and heat-reducing type of food, it is good to eat and drink occasionally.

5> Occasional fasting

In summer, it is easy to feel irritable due to the climate + constitution, and sweating too much, eating and drinking icy food, and the burden on the digestive system increases. Occasionally a simple fasting can feel refreshing and comfortable in body and mind.

Fasting has written two long articles, please refer to them directly:

6> Spray well

  • Prepare a spray bottle to carry. You can choose the contents: filtered water, peppermint hydrosol, tea tree hydrosol, rose hydrosol, hydrosol of your favorite flavor, loofah water, bitter gourd water, etc. Spray wherever you go, and spray well.

The spray in the indoor air-conditioning room can hydrate and moisturize, and the pure dew can also improve the magnetic field of the space atmosphere and relieve one's emotions. Outdoor spray can cool down, prevent sunburn, prevent redness, prevent heat stroke, prevent blackening, and some flavors can also prevent mosquitoes.


1> cold, over-eating melons and fruits

After two or three weeks or once a month, eating iced products or drinking an ice-cold drink will really make you feel refreshed in an instant. Eating every day and drinking every day is like an addiction, and it is even more frustrating when not eating, and then a lot of problems, and then you will hear the doctor always recommending to eat less or not to eat at all!

Once the cold food enters the digestive system, the low temperature will slow down the reaction of the digestive system and the speed of gastrointestinal peristalsis. The food that should be processed will be deposited in the digestive system. Upward rush, the mouth, head, and emotions are all affected, and by the way, the flatulence and water stop come together. In case people with deficiency-cold constitution, after eating and drinking icy cold things, it is easy to cause vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal discomfort, and girls will also have various symptoms of gynecological problems during the menstrual period. Not to mention the damage to the heart system!

Melons and fruits are plant essences, high in nutrients and water. Especially in summer, watermelon is the first to reduce heat and diuresis. It is more delicious when iced, right! Eating a little for a long time is still enjoyable. Eating frantically can lead to diarrhea, physical weakness, gastrointestinal discomfort, deficient cold, and abnormal urination and defecation.

  • In short, if you want to enjoy it without hurting your body, you must avoid this kind of super-biased cold food if your constitution is really weak. If your constitution is not bad, you can eat it occasionally for a long time. It is really comfortable to live~
  • If you really feel a little gas and gas, the simplest solution that everyone can implement is "fasting". If you don't eat one or two meals, your body will have excess qi and blood to deal with the accumulated food. Or practice "abdominal breathing" to help gastrointestinal motility. However, it is good to enjoy the source properly! If you go overboard and hurt your body, not to mention raising it back, it will take time and trouble!
  • Extended reading: "The Best Purification of Diet Views ", " Emotional Purification Tips for Coping with Emotions ", " Belly Breathing, Breathing, Breathing and Practising Qi "

2> Long-term air-conditioning, repeated temperature difference

Normal skin pores open when exposed to heat and close when exposed to cold.

Air-conditioning for work, air-conditioning for meals, air-conditioning for traffic, and air-conditioning at home, this kind of long-term air-conditioning, the pores have been forced to close, and the function of the pore switch will be slow after a long time. The cold air has been blowing, and the possibility of dry skin and cold air entering the body has also greatly increased.

Even if it is 28.9 degrees, there is a temperature difference of 10 degrees or so compared to the hot outside. If you stay in the air-conditioned room all the time, it is not bad. The most fearful thing is going in and out. The temperature difference of 10 degrees cannot be adapted quickly, and it is easy to have problems. For example, if you are outside for a while, the whole person is hot in the sun, and when the pores are large and the heat is exhausted, if you run into the air-conditioned room, the outside temperature suddenly becomes cold, the pores are closed, and the heat accumulates in the body, which may cause irritability or heatstroke. It's huge. Conversely, the body is cool in the air-conditioned room. When you go out, you will be very uncomfortable with the high temperature. You will sweat immediately or you will not react in time. The result is that you will not sweat.

  • For people whose body is too weak to control sweat, air-conditioning can indeed provide a very good assistance for avoiding sweat. People who often have to go in and out of the air-conditioned room can prepare a thin coat. If you have time in the shade, you can wait for the sweat to cool down and put on a thin coat before entering the air-conditioned room to reduce the discomfort caused by the severe temperature difference. Or you can use the above method of "spraying and filling" to cool down a bit and then go in.
  • Remember to change your clothes after sweating. Wearing sweaty clothes to blow air-conditioning is definitely not good for your health.
  • Find time for at least ten minutes every day, and take a walk in the shade of a park green space (the shade is great when it is too hot in the summer). Or pick a simple and relaxing mountain trail on holidays, ground and balance it, and let your pores adapt to the outside temperature by the way.
  • When sleeping, be sure to cover a thin quilt, do not blow the air-conditioning directly on people, raise the temperature by one or two degrees, put a bowl of boiling water in the air-conditioned room (or 1.2 drops of essential oil), prepare a bottle and spray it before going to bed , wake up and spray, moisturizing.

3> Fried spicy roast, irritable and sleepless

In summer, you always want to eat something more appetizing grilled fried food, right? The classics include salty and crispy chicken, chicken chops, skewers, stinky tofu, french fries, etc. Most of them are protein (french fries are starch), and protein needs to be digested for a long time. In addition to high-temperature frying, in addition to the partiality of heat and dryness, which definitely increases the hot food, the high-temperature frying oil has deteriorated.

There is also a special mention of things that will be noticed: bread, bread belongs to baked goods! I talked to a friend before, and my friend said happily: "I don't like fried and baked at all~" "Yeah~ Do you have that toast?" "Yes! Eat it for breakfast or dinner!". .....Baking bread, cakes, Chinese and Western snacks, biscuits and snacks are all baked! ! Many snacks are still fried! !

Classic combinations such as chicken chop + rare milk, skewers + soda cola, it is not an exaggeration to combine the delicious taste of sin. Everyone must drink cold drinks. No one will choose normal temperature milk or soft drinks → increase the burden on the digestive system. The high protein of milk is not easy to digest. In case of lactose intolerance, diarrhea will also damage the digestive system → increase the burden on the digestive system. Soda and cola carbonated drinks are more prone to flatulence → increase the burden on the digestive system.

When the digestive system accumulates food, lodging and feces, a pile of heat is generated, and the characteristics of heat are upward, and the biggest impact is on the mouth and head. Frequent oral problems such as cracked mouth, herpes at the corners of the mouth, dry mouth, chapped lips, bad breath, headache, bloating, irritability, irritability, difficulty falling asleep, poor sleep quality and other head problems, many of which originate from the digestive system question.

  • If you have oral problems, such as cracked mouth, herpes at the corners of the mouth, dry mouth, chapped lips, bad breath, bloating, headache, and heat, please avoid fried and spicy roasts.
  • I'm sure that I don't have any of the above symptoms at all, but I don't have much appetite, I don't want to eat or drink water, and occasionally I have severe acid overflow and gastroesophageal reflux, but I can have fried food or a little spicy food.
  • Baked fried food can be paired with fairy grass, Aiyu, black and white fungus drink, boiled Geyujin powder or lotus root powder, directly drink some good oil, etc., which can slightly relieve the dry heat of grilled fried food. Or choose sour ume soup to help digestion. In summer, it is usually paired with an ice-cold version. At least, don’t take it out of the refrigerator and eat it right away, and wait for five or ten minutes before eating.
  • Refer to the above fasting and abdominal breathing to help digestion.
  • Of course, in the end, we still have to remind seriously, if the physical deviation is a bit serious (for example, symptoms related to dry heat + water cutoff appear), seriously avoid the food, seriously avoid the food, seriously avoid the food! ! !

I thought I could easily finish it in two days, but I ended up writing it for almost a week... I'm laughing when I write it~ Zhongfu has spent a few days in TAT to eat a curry to celebrate it~


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