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Achievement achieved! Share your "Matters Achievement List" (and a little red packet)

Recently, many people are playing the "Achievement List". You, who have joined Matters, have accumulated a lot of interesting experiences in Matters. It's time to take stock and share~

The following list is filled with all kinds of "achievements" you may encounter while walking and jumping in Matt City. The author is @sloth's life. With the consent of the author, it was shared by Matty, and everyone is invited to download this picture and Circle your achievements!

After completing the specified action, Matty will send a small red envelope to congratulate the achievement~ (please pull down for the detailed event rules)

rule of activity:

1. Download this form, circle the achievements you have made, and don't forget the last fill-in-the-blank question

2. Post on Matters.News to share your list of achievements

3. Share your checklist image or article link (1) to Twitter and tag Matters account or (2) to Matters Discord 's #CreatorLobby channel (twitter and discord Choose one to share)

4. After the sharing is complete, paste the sharing link back to the comment area of this article, and Matty will send you a 52 LikeCoin red envelope~

5. Event Date: May 23-May 30 at 23:59 (East Eighth District)

Looking forward to seeing your list of achievements~


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這個爐子有兩個主要目的:一個是邀請各位市民,透過訂閱爐子來支持 Matters,幫扶馬特市;同時,和大家分享馬特市社區大小事、Matters 的工作計畫與目標,也聆聽你們的需求、期待與思考。邀請願意陪伴、支持 Matters 的朋友們加入進來,見證、助力 Matters 成長。 加入圍爐後,你可以: 1、在更緊密的社群裡玩耍,找到同路人; 2、成為Matters的重要支持者和見證者!

