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Introduction to syncthing

A secure decentralized file sharing tool


Syncthing is a secure and decentralized file sharing tool, similar to BitTorrent Sync, but this product is open source and completely free. The specific working principle is somewhat similar to the early torrent download, which requires a discovery server to allow your devices to establish connections with each other. Fortunately, the discovery server will be configured with the official discovery server by default after the program is installed, which is usually enough. Of course, you can also build a private discovery server yourself.

During the synchronization process, at least two devices must be powered on. Syncthing uses TLS encryption to avoid man-in-the-middle stealing data. Support git similar to backup log.

Syncthing provides a .stignore function, similar to .gitignore , but this .stignore has a problem, Syncthing itself does not synchronize this file, you can create a .stglobalignore file and write the specific ignore information .stglobalignore .

There is a relay service provided by itself, and the relay server can be set up by yourself, for reference .

refer to



Use Syncthing to build your own private network disk

Data synchronization artifact - Syncthing tutorial

Sync files across multiple devices with Syncthing


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