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What is Game Accelerator

Introduction to the principle of game accelerator

First of all, there is a concept, that is, most of the main secure networks at present are TCP connections, and games use UDP to maintain connections, and game acceleration, that is to say, to ensure that UDP transmission is fast and stable enough, but the most important thing The problem is that this is against the interests of the operator, so the operator will interfere with the UDP packets and need to do some processing on the connection between the game client and the proxy server.

What a UDP proxy needs to do:

  • Due to the stateless nature of UDP, there is no message to indicate when a connection should be created or destroyed. The device must be able to age the created UDP connections by itself, and has to make a choice between:
  • If the aging time is too short, it will destroy the normal communication but the UDP connection with very low communication frequency. If the aging time is too long, it will cause invalid UDP connections to consume a lot of memory, which will create an attack surface for DDoS attacks.
1. Handle the UDP connection between the game client and the accelerator server
2. How to let the game client connect to this accelerator (generally the game client does not have the function of setting a proxy server)

Common processing methods of accelerators

  • ucp over tcp: Put TCP on UDP outside
  • FakeTCP (udp2raw): Use raw socket to directly add a fake TCP header to the UDP protocol, disguising UDP as TCP; it is essentially UDP, and does not need to go through the system's TCP protocol stack, so there will be no problems introduced by UCP over TCP. However, UDP traffic disguised as TCP can fool the operator's firewall and avoid UDP traffic interruption.

The disadvantage of FakeTCP compared to the UDP over TCP scheme is that it cannot penetrate TCP proxies (including reverse TCP proxies), such as Haproxy.


At present, all the principles that support game acceleration on the market are nothing more than the two mentioned above, which support TCP and udp2raw.

The problems related to UDP aging mentioned above are actually similar to the general VPN principle. Many VPN protocols on the market also support UDP over TCP by the way, and also support the function of game acceleration.

refer to

5 minutes to understand the principle and construction of game accelerator

An open source online game acceleration tool that can replace SStap: https://github.com/netchx/Netch (socks5, wireguard, trojan, vmess, vless)

Is the new WireGuard protocol secure?


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