
欢迎拍手与交流,个人Channel:https://t.me/hellolinuxLab Sentinel DVPN中文社区管理,技术及使用支持 https://t.me/Sentinel_China 个人主页:https://hellolinux.uk/about

cosmos ecology-sentinel DVPN node configuration introduction

This is an article introduction of sentinel CM every month

There are 2 ways to start setting up a dVPN node:

  1. Using the HandyHost app
  2. do it manually

System Requirements

CPU: 1 at 2GHz

Memory: 1KMB

Disk: 10GB

System: Ubuntu 20.04

How the dVPN Node Reward System Works

  1. Bandwidth Mining Reward
  2. $DVPN Token Staking Incentive
  3. White Label Operator Incentives
  4. Liquidity mining rewards
  5. dVPN User Incentive
  6. Grant programs and initiatives adopted by developers

There are currently 2 known reward systems:

  1. Basic reward
  2. bonus incentive reward

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Minimum Uptime Requirement - Participants will need to maintain at least 99% uptime during the daily snapshot period to qualify for that particular snapshot, there will be 30 daily snapshots.
  2. Minimum Bandwidth Processed - Participants will be required to provide at least 1 GB of total bandwidth to Sentinel-based dVPN users during the month. Additionally, the minimum length of total dVPN sessions for the entire month must be at least 1 hour. These variables may be modified in the future after analyzing past reward data.
  3. Enable Handshake Parser - Handshake parser should normally be enabled by default and participants need to keep parser active. Operating the Handshake Resolver increases the resiliency strength of Handshake's overall decentralized DNS network.
  4. Reasonable Bandwidth Pricing - Participants will be asked to price the bandwidth they provide:
  5. - 0.5 dvpn for 1 gb (500,000 udvpn)
  6. - 1.5 dvpn for 1 gb (1,500,000 udvpn

(uDVPN is a sub-unit of DVPN, 1 DVPN = 1,000,000 uDVPNs)

Given the price volatility of DVPN, this pricing range will be updated next month. In the initial stages of the network, $0.05 per GB should ideally be the maximum price to boost the network.

Enable multi-currency payments for ATOM, UST, OSMO and all other IBC compatible chains (currently only available in CLI)

The program's reward pool distributes rewards monthly on the 1st of each month.

The first pool will start at $25,000 in November, and if successful, it will gradually expand based on demand each month thereafter.

Bandwidth miner performance reward:

1st place — 10,000 DVPNs with the highest transmission bandwidth in a month

2nd place — 6,000 DVPN for the largest amount of bandwidth transferred in the 2nd month

No. 3 — No. 3 Transmits up to 4,000 DVPNs this month

An additional 22 nodes out of the first 25 nodes (in terms of transmitted bandwidth) will receive a $20 DVPN reward for their performance.

Full version reference online pdf:



refer to

Introduction to Sentinel's various $DVPN Incentive Programs

The Launch of Sentinel's First Incentivized Bandwidth Mining Program on its Cosmos based Hub


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