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Be cautious about marriage

Marriage is not a process that life must go through, nor is it the end of every love, nor is it a means to consolidate love, but two people feel that they need it to protect their interests, so they choose it.
Marriage is a legal relationship, romance is love, and reality is legal and economic disputes.
Marriage is not a process that life must go through, nor is it the end of every love, nor is it a means to consolidate love, but two people feel that they need it to protect their interests, so they choose it.

Before getting married, read the Marriage Law.

Many people feel that when intimacy has reached a certain point, seeking a stable long-term relationship will hope to enter into marriage, and many unfortunate love relationships do start with marriage.

Marriage has no such effect at all. What can maintain a long-term relationship is always the love and trust of the two, instead of tying up the relationship between two people with the trouble of fear of benefit distribution and the difficulty of ending the relationship.

When men and women do not get married, many people question their relationship behind their backs. However, how many people really think about what marriage is and what can it actually bring to themselves? I feel that people need to fall in love in their twenties, they need to get married after a few years, and they need to have children around their thirties.

Cohabitation life is not cruel in nature, but a lot of the misfortune comes from not understanding the marriage law before marriage, not understanding the contract two people signed, which brings countless entanglements of interests, perhaps it is not that they do not know, but they These treaties were ignored.

Some people say that prenuptial contracts are the stuff of rich people.

Indeed, to find a lawyer and carefully study the distribution of interests between the two parties, the consultation fee alone is not cheap. However, rich people know how to spend "little money" to make life less troublesome. Diesel, rice, oil and salt can be easily communicated and distributed. It takes most of a lifetime to buy a house and a car, a life born after ten months of pregnancy, and millions of dollars to raise a child. time and money costs.

Some people say that talking about money hurts feelings.

Then why sign the contract that bundles benefits?

Why do most of mankind pursue or even criticize others for not pursuing marriage?

The mainstream society always adds a lot of filters to marriage, and likes to highlight the happiness of marriage. For misfortune, apart from watching gossip, it does not talk about the reasons for misfortune. When it comes to the distribution of benefits, it will only ridicule and pursue rationality. The party who distributes property is greedy, as if the sweat and tears in life are not worthy of being materialized, but ironically, others will ridicule the poor and protect the rich.

Public opinion has always been cruel. When love is happy, most people feel that it doesn't matter. The hidden dangers buried in it become nuclear bombs when they want to break up.

Why don't you put your stance right and understand that marriage guarantees material needs, and seeking benefits is always a reasonable requirement. If you don't understand, don't sign it; if you can't bear the cost of the treaty, don't sign it.

Love is to meet spiritual needs and make oneself happier. At the same time, human beings are a species that can actually be touched, so overlapping and conflicting interests are inevitable; contracts are used to protect interests and bind both parties, which is not romantic at all.

Only by breaking those conventional life pursuits can you find the love life you really want.


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