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Nomic validator node construction

Nomic is a Cosmos ecological project that just launched on the mainnet yesterday. What this project is doing is building a bridge from Bitcoin to the Cosmos ecosystem

At present, they have airdropped their token NOM to wallets that pledged at least 1.5 ATOM, but currently NOM has no price, no place to trade, and it cannot transfer money. The only thing that can be done is to pledge it to the validator.

I took a look at the documentation for building a validator node: It doesn't look difficult, so I built a validator node. The following describes the steps to build a Nomic validator node

Node basic configuration:

  • Memory at least 4GB RAM
  • Hard disk at least 50GB
  • Linux or macOS

Build a Nomic node

 curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup default nightly
sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev pkg-config clang
git clone nomic && cd nomic
cargo install --path .

Initial node and modify configuration file

initial node:

nomic init

Modify the configuration file:

nano ~/.nomic-stakenet/tendermint/config/config.toml

Find external_address = "", add your ip and port. for example:

external_address = ""

Download the address of seeds (the seeds given in the document have never been connected)

 wget -P ~/.nomic-stakenet/tendermint/config

start node

nomic start

Check whether the node synchronization is successful:

curl http://localhost:26657/status

If catching_up displays false, it means your node is successfully synchronized

Online validator

The online validator needs a little NOM, you can join Nomic's telegram group to find the administrator to get it:

Check wallet balance: nomic balance

Get the validator's public key (validator_info -> pub_key -> value)

curl http://localhost:26657/status

The command format of the online validator:

 nomic declare \
  <validator public key> \
  <Amount of pledge> \
  <Draft> \
  <validator's name> \
  <website> \
  <avatar ID (on keybase)> \
  <Verifier introduction>

For example my command is:

 nomic declare \
  CzH+W4dcMUqBzzEnT2QMoyV+flB8r6usYNJtz7ldri4= \
  100000 \
  0.05 \
  "ericet" \
  "" \
  306E7D575FA20264 \
  "Ericet, the Nomic Validator"

*Note: <website>, <avatar ID> and <verifier introduction> are not required

If there is no error when running the above command, congratulations, your validator is online successfully~

At present, the number of validators is not large, and the first 100 will be listed as soon as they go online.

If you don't want to be a validator and just want to stake, you are welcome to stake to my validator ericet at . The official said that there are still 2 rounds of airdrops. The specific rules are not stated, and the airdrops for pledges may also be given.


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