
Hi!我是Erica 🐾我喜歡旅行、喜歡貓、喜歡拍照。這就是我 ,我是Erica,在這裡,我畫貓咪,寫貓咪與旅行、食記、心得分享.....🐾 🐾🐾(我有另外一個帳號:Erica,主要發貓特務報報、教學及驗證人相關文章 ...)🐾🐾

I shoot you write the story behind the photo: Day 6. Croatia. Rijeka

This is a seven-day event. Every day, I will post a photo, only the location where the photo was taken, and invite the audience to write their feelings in the message area, Day 6. croesian rijeka

It's a seven-day little event

Every day I will post a photo, just write the place where the photo was taken, without any description, I invite " viewers " and write down their feelings about this photo in the comment area.

Participation rules

  1. The message should be more than 50 characters in Chinese (excluding punctuation)
  2. The deadline for leaving a message every day is 23:59 (GMT+8) the next day.
  3. Every day I will choose a message that I feel the most.
  4. The seven-day event can be repeated.
  5. I will not reply to comments on this article until the daily comment deadline.


  • It is 1/3 of the income of this article (including support), and the accumulated time is the same as the event time, that is, until 23:59 (GMT+8) of the next day.
  • If the winner has tracked [non-subscription] my fireplace [Cat Country] , the bonus will be increased by 10%.
  • The income of each article is high or low, all depends on luck .

I will add the story of this photo to the comment area after the comment deadline, and then post the photo and its full story on liker.social and other suitable platforms (the comments of participants in the comment area will not be posted on other platforms).

Closing report

After the seven-day event, I will publish a small event closing report on Matters, which will include seven photos and stories from the seven days, as well as the award-winning message [screenshots and text quotes and TAG the commenter], the message will only be posted In the case closing report, it was only published on Matters, and the participants agreed that if the message was awarded, it would be placed in the case closing report and published in Matters.

Special prize in the furnace: When the case is closed, two members of the furnace will be selected to leave a message, and the bonus will be 50Like each, which will be announced in the cat country around the furnace.

**If there is any change in the activity method, supplementary explanation will be given when the activity article is issued every day**

Additional instructions:

After the event was released, Mao Mao was actually quite surprised that there were so many people participating, and many citizens wrote poems [Yes! There is no requirement to write poetry, do you know roar? ], I suddenly had an idea, if there are people who have participated in this small activity more than five times (including) in seven days, Maomao authorizes you to use the seven photos in the activity, and you can write an article about your activity after the activity. The experience, or extended into several full articles, can be published publicly anywhere [because there are so many so well written! It's really hard to choose.

But there are three requirements:

  1. Do not cover the watermark of the photo.
  2. To be marked: Photo by Erica or Photo by Cat Traveling [Erica].
  3. If there is any modification, please explain [for example: the source of the landscape base map is xxx, and the post-production text is ooo] or attach the original image or its link.

The seven photos are linked and I will put them in the closing report when the time comes!

[It's still too late to go to the Day5 event , until 9/11 23:59 GMT+8]

In addition, if there is a bonus bonus selected, each bonus bonus is fixed at 30 Likes [35 Likes for those who have tracked the Cat Country Furnace], and the number of bonus bonuses is not fixed.

I shoot you write the story behind the photo: Day 6

  1. Photo: The embankment of the port of Rijeka, Croatia
  2. Event start date: 2021/9/11 The event article will start as soon as it is published
  3. Deadline for comments: 2021/9/12 23:59 (GMT+8)
Photo by Erica Rijeka, Croatia
 Write down how you feel...

Become my appreciative citizen, you can be invited into my perimeter, and the decomposition drawing of the cat on the cover of each issue is placed in the furnace!

Subscription link: https://liker.land/ericaliu/civic

You can also follow [Cat Country] , and you can receive broadcast messages when you follow it! ! Small events will be held from time to time, if you want to subscribe, I have no objection! 〔〔Eh! ?

Two of my travel e-books: Croatian Bus Travel Diary , Go and Jump Okinawa. Traffic Raiders for Attractions
My personal blog: . Just go. Erica's. travel. experience. Living in the moment
Fan Page: Let's Go x Cat Traveling
Find me on other platforms too: Pathfinder | Grid | I have another Matters | Potato Media


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Don't forget to support or like, so I know you are with me..




