

From the day I became family with you

Chapter Thirteen: Conflict of Faith

After Chen Cheng's illness at home, Taozi was a little worried that Zhen Zhen's mood had not recovered, so she wanted everyone to sneak into Zhen Zhen's class to accompany Zhen Zhen in class when she was not in class. There was a time when everyone had a class, and no one could accompany Zhen Zhen to class, so our two kittens kept meowing to Taozi, indicating that we could accompany Zhen Zhen to class, Taozi might feel that we wanted to accompany Zhen Zhen to class, So let us secretly follow Zhen Zhen to class together.

The class we took with Zhen Zhen was a biblical literature class. The professor seemed to ask them to read the passages they were going to read after class, and then they discussed in groups directly. The passage they were going to read that day was about "Cain and Abel". story. The story goes something like this:

One day the man slept with Adam's wife Eve, and Eve became pregnant and gave birth to Cain, and said, "The LORD has given me a man." Later, Cain gave birth to a younger brother named Abel. Abel was a shepherd, and Cain was a farmer. One day Cain offered the produce of the field as an offering to the LORD, 4 and Abel offered the firstborn of his flock and the fat of the sheep. The LORD looked upon Abel and his offering, 5 but not Cain and his offering. Cain became very angry, and his face changed. The LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why are you so pale? If you do well, will you not be accepted? If you do not do well, sin lies at the door. It will desire you, and you will but to subdue it.”

Cain spoke to his brother Abel, and they were in the field, and Cain got up and struck his brother Abel, killing him. The LORD said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" He said, "I don't know. Am I my brother's keeper?" The LORD said, "What have you done? Your brother's blood has a voice. Cry to me from the ground. The ground opened its mouth, and received the blood of your brother from your hand, and now you are cursed out of it. You plant it, and it will no longer work for you; "Cain said to the LORD, "My punishment is too severe for me to bear. Now you have driven me out of the land, so that you will not see your face, and I will be a wanderer and wander on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me." The LORD said to him, "Whoever kills Cain will be punished sevenfold." So the LORD put a mark on Cain, lest anyone find him and kill him.

"Don't you think that God is partial? He doesn't value Cain's offerings because He likes meaty food." The classmate gave Zhen Zhen a deliberate look after speaking.

"Why does the author only mention the offering of the 'product of the ground' when describing Cain's offering, but Abel's offering emphasizes the 'firstborn'?" Zhen Zhen asked.

"Isn't it because God likes fresh and tender lamb?" said the classmate.

"Someone bought a brand of super high-grade chocolate for you today, and someone bought the ingredients and spent a lot of time and effort making chocolate for you. Which gift do you think you would be happier with?" Zhen Zhen asked.

"What does this have to do with this story?" the classmate asked.

"I think God looked at Cain's sacrifices not because He liked meat, but because Cain lacked intentions compared to Abel, but Abel gave the firstborn with full intentions, which is the best The sheep are dedicated to God." Zhen Zhen said.

The classmate didn't speak anymore, his expression didn't look very convincing, and none of the other team members dared to speak. Later, the classmate said again, "You see that Cain and Abel had an argument when they were talking in the field. Isn't it because Abel went to the field to provoke Cain, so he annoyed Cain?"

"In other translations, this passage says 'Cain called Abel' into the field to speak," Zhen Zhen said.

"That's what other translations said, but with what's written here, there is no problem with my interpretation." What the classmate said.

Zhen Zhen looked like she didn't want to make a noise, so she didn't say anything. Seeing that Zhen Zhen didn't want to speak, the classmate continued, "I used to be a Christian, but now I'm not, because my brother is gay, but Christianity is against homosexuality." Wearing Zhen Zhen.

After he finished speaking, he kept looking at Zhen Zhen, feeling like he wanted to wait for Zhen Zhen to speak, but Zhen Zhen still didn't say a word, so he asked again, "Zhen Zhen, what do you think about homosexuality? Do you also object? "

"As far as the Bible says, I am indeed against 'homosexuality', but if someone who claims to be a Christian has said some inappropriate or even offensive words to your brother because he is gay , then I will say sorry to your brother on their behalf." Zhen Zhen said.

That classmate didn't expect Zhen Zhen to say this. In the last 20 minutes of the class, the professor began to put forward the same point of view as the classmate, saying that God is partial, and Abel will choose first. Sexual Cain and things like that. So the classmate excitedly echoed the professor and put forward how he analyzed such a conclusion in front of everyone, and occasionally glanced at Zhen Zhen. And Zhen Zhen just stared at the professor quietly, she didn't raise her hand to refute, and didn't show any emotion, just like that until the class was over.

After class, Zhen Zhen and Cui Shang who happened to be taking classes at the second school, Cui Shang asked when he saw Zhen Zhen:

"Zhen Zhen, do we want to have lunch together?"

"My head hurts and I feel nauseous right now, I can't eat." After speaking, Zhen Zhen almost lost her footing.

"Are you all right? I'll take you to the medical center" Zhen Zhen shook her head, but Cui Shang insisted on taking her there.

After arriving at the infirmary, Zhen Zhen was lying on the hospital bed, crying weakly. I fell asleep after crying for a while.

"Do you know what happened to Zhen Zhen just now?" Cui Shang looked at us and said.

Momo and I worked together to squeeze out the Bible literature textbook in Zhen Zhen's bag and let out a meow.

"Cui Shang still can't guess what happened to Zhen Zhen." Mo Mo said.

"Why? Doesn't he think of anything when he sees a textbook on biblical literature?" I asked.

"Of course you can guess it, but I'm afraid few people can understand the sadness of being so cynically ridiculed by the God you believe in," Momo said.

"What do you mean? I still don't quite understand." I said.

"Have you ever had the feeling that you would rather be hated, but don't want someone you value very much to be misunderstood and hated?" Momo asked.

"I seem to understand a bit, but if that's the case, wouldn't Choi Shang not understand?" I was confused again.

"Cui Shang is an atheist. He can understand it, but he can't empathize with it," Momo said.

"Suddenly I feel that Zhen Zhen is also very lonely." I said.

"Yeah, my own values are in conflict with those around me, and this kind of conflict can sometimes keep other people's provocation, even if I don't want to argue about anything."

"Debate for debate's sake, but I've heard a lot of people say they like to fight and say it's cool to fight."

"I really don't understand this point of view."

"I also feel very confused."


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