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2021-08-10 Daily exchange rate of virtual currency and fiat currency today

This article is the daily report data of small farmers who integrate the exchange rates of various virtual currencies/countries

Likecoin-fiat exchange rate today

1Like = US$0.0163 (USD)
≈ NT$ 0.455 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 1.804 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 0.127 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 0.106 (RMB)
≈ RM 0.069 (Malaysian Ringgit)
≈ S$ 0.022 (Singapore Dollar)
≈ ₹1.217 (Indian Rupee)

Likecoin-Other Virtual Currency Exchange Rates Today

Likecoin - Bitcoin (BTC)

1Like = 0.0000003575650272135 /BTC
24-hour price trend down▼ -3.94%
7-day price trend down▼ -13.51%
1 month price trend down▼ -32.43%
2-month price trend down▼ -35.31%
3-month price trend down▼ -7.85%

Likecoin - Ether (ETH)

1Like = 0.00000525076590593742 /ETH
24-hour price trend down▼ -4.36%
7-day price trend down▼ -16.76%
1 month price trend down▼ -38.02%
2-month price trend down▼ -36.29%
3-month price trend up▲ 1.54%

Likecoin - STEEM

1Like = 0.0310679353173567 /STEEM
24-hour price trend down▼ -1.00%
7-day price trend down▼ -6.45%
1 month price trend down▼ -24.08%
2-month price trend down▼ -23.90%
3-month price trend up ▲ 58.30%

Likecoin - Tether (USDT)

1Like = 0.0163413259773938 /USDT
24-hour price trend up▲ 0.94%
7-day price trend up▲ 2.23%
1 month price trend down▼ -7.56%
2-month price trend down▼ -19.54%
3-month price trend down▼ -27.03%

Fiat currency exchange rate today


1 USD ≈ US$ 1.00000 (USD)
≈ NT$ 27.83051 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 110.33197 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 7.78288 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 6.47978 (RMB)
≈ RM 4.22851 (Malaysian Ringgit)
≈ S$ 1.35672 (Singapore Dollar)
≈ ₹74.45750 (Indian Rupee)


1 Taiwan Dollar ≈ US$ 0.03593 (USD)
≈ NT$ 1.00000 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 3.96443 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 0.27965 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 0.23283 (RMB)
≈ RM 0.15194 (Malaysian Ringgit)
≈ S$ 0.04875 (Singapore Dollar)
≈ ₹2.67539 (Indian Rupee)


1 yen ≈ US$ 0.00906 (USD)
≈ NT$ 0.25224 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 1.00000 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 0.07054 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 0.05873 (RMB)
≈ RM 0.03833 (Malaysian Ringgit)
≈ S$ 0.01230 (Singapore Dollar)
≈ ₹0.67485 (Indian Rupee)


1 HKD ≈ US$ 0.12849 (USD)
≈ NT$ 3.57586 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 14.17624 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 1.00000 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 0.83257 (RMB)
≈ RM 0.54331 (Malaysian Ringgit)
≈ S$ 0.17432 (Singapore Dollar)
≈ ₹9.56683 (Indian Rupee)


1 RMB ≈ US$ 0.15433 (USD)
≈ NT$ 4.29498 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 17.02711 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 1.20110 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 1.00000 (RMB)
≈ RM 0.65257 (Malaysian Ringgit)
≈ S$ 0.20938 (Singapore Dollar)
≈ ₹11.49074 (Indian Rupee)


1 Malaysian Ringgit ≈ US$ 0.23649 (USD)
≈ NT$ 6.58164 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 26.09243 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 1.84058 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 1.53241 (RMB)
≈ RM 1.00000 (Malaysian Ringgit)
≈ S$ 0.32085 (Singapore Dollar)
≈ ₹17.60847 (Indian Rupee)


1 Singapore Dollar ≈ US$ 0.73707 (USD)
≈ NT$ 20.51309 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 81.32260 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 5.73654 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 4.77607 (RMB)
≈ RM 3.11671 (Malaysian Ringgit)
≈ S$ 1.00000 (Singapore Dollar)
≈ ₹54.88053 (Indian Rupee)


1 Indian Rupee ≈ US$ 0.01343 (USD)
≈ NT$ 0.37378 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 1.48181 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 0.10453 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 0.08703 (RMB)
≈ RM 0.05679 (Malaysian Ringgit)
≈ S$ 0.01822 (Singapore Dollar)
≈ ₹1.00000 (Indian Rupee)

Information sources:

Exchange Information: CoinMarketCap
Exchange Rate Information: Fixer

Small farmers' thoughts:
This daily is independently produced by Small Farmers Daily. The sources of data above are for reference only; if you have any other information or national currency and various suggestions that you would like to see, please leave a message below and let me know. OwO


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