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2021-07-22 Today's virtual currency and legal currency exchange rate daily

This article is the daily report data of small farmers who integrate the exchange rates of various virtual currencies/countries

Today's virtual currency-fiat exchange rate

1Like = US$0.01526177596348 (USD)
≈ NT$ 0.42770513614259 (Taiwan dollar)
≈ ¥ 1.6810540988254 (JPY)
≈ HK$ 0.118629021475332 (HKD)
≈ RMB¥ 0.0987070622214033 (RMB)
≈ RM 0.0645389981943642 (RM)
≈ S$ 0.0208120260281188 (SGD)

Today's virtual currency - virtual currency exchange rate

1Like = 0.00000047774290161415 /BTC
1Like = 0.00000772794633600391 /ETH
1Like = 0.042940947718628 /STEEM
1Like = 0.0152722663873811 /USDT

Today's fiat exchange rate (USD - other fiat currencies)

USD to TWD(Taiwan Dollar) = 1 : 28.024598

USD to JPY (Japanese currency) = 1 : 110.148

USD to HKD (Hong Kong Dollar) = 1 : 7.77295

USD to CNY (RMB) = 1 : 6.4676

USD to MYR (Malaysian Ringgit) = 1 : 4.2288

USD to SGD (Singapore Dollar) = 1 : 1.36367

Information sources:

Exchange Information: CoinMarketCap

Exchange Rate Information: Instant Exchange


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