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Social tool immigration wave? Thinking about the real meaning of social

Since November last year, our life circles are inseparable from the wave of immigrants talking about social platforms and communication tools...

During this period, some people immigrated immediately, some people tried it out, and some people took a wait-and-see attitude. In this article, I will not talk about how good that platform is and why they should switch to it. There are also a lot of analysis and teaching on the Internet. You can Search and read according to your needs.

I want to discuss with you what is social and what does it really mean? These are all worthy of our in-depth thinking and exchanges!

Socialization refers to the communication between people in society. People use certain methods (tools) to transmit information and exchange ideas and consciousness in order to achieve a certain purpose in various social activities. In today's era, changes in the economic and social environment have made the interaction between people more important. Because only by constantly communicating and communicating with all kinds of people, can we constantly enrich ourselves, develop ourselves, and expand ourselves.

There are six main principles of social networking:

1. Respect each other, respect yourself, and respect the living habits, hobbies, personality and values of others, so as to be respected by others.

2. Treat people with sincerity. Only when you treat people with sincerity and without shrewdness can you have emotional resonance and gain true friendship.

3. Tolerance and comity, we must learn to be tolerant of others and not be preoccupied with everything.

4. Mutually beneficial cooperation, interpersonal communication is always a two-way choice, mutual interaction, both parties should care for each other, love each other, not only consider the common interests of both parties, but also deepen their feelings.

5. To understand each other, we must be concerned about each other from the heart, understand each other's situation, mood, likes and dislikes, needs, etc. There is a saying that "a thousand dollars is easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find".

6. Treat people as equals, and treat people equally. You must learn to compare your hearts to your heart and learn to think in a different position. Only by treating others as equals, can you be treated equally by others.

In the past ten years, the popularization of social media has become an indispensable part of our living habits. It is not only for each of us to share life on the Internet, meet new friends, find old colleagues and classmates, and find common ground. Interested communities, communication tools to keep in touch with people you know, promotion channels for companies, events, personal brands, and even a platform for all creators to share their works. Technology is to bring people a better way of life. Each other, let mankind continue to progress.

If you see this, I hope everyone can stop and think, how many social tools have we used over the years? Can the Internet bring us closer or apart? Is it because of different values, concern, or the influence of various social atmospheres that make you and me who we are today?

Back to the key points of Facebook and Instagram, of course, I don’t like the algorithms and too many advertisements on these two platforms. I have managed my own personal account, page and group with all my heart over the years, but the platform has always kept my posts The exposure rate of the article is getting lower and lower, and there was a period of time when I was very concerned about the number of likes and likes, which ended up wasting a lot of precious time. At the same time, I also found that the platform is full of too many groups and shares that are not nutritious; instead of thinking about social networking If the tools are not immigrated, it is better to think deeply about what you want your future social tools to be? If you just switch platforms and still use the old methods and old thinking, it is just a new Facebook with new clothes, and the old social platform ecology is just put on a new body and continues to operate, so the focus is not on a new platform, but It's its circle, its culture, its value.

To have a good social ecology, it is up to you, me and him to create and maintain together.

In the future, I will publish more articles to Matters, communicate and interact with Matters citizens, and recommend more people to use it.


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