
我是米高,我與太太有一個很懂事的小朋友 - 小狗ThankYou。 曾經放下畫筆30年,疫情下重新開始繪畫,運用原子筆描繪及追憶逝去的孩子,願他繼續帶歡笑給我們。這個帳號是為小狗而開,In memory of our beloved son

LikeCoin AMA Speech: In the final stage of my life, how will I record my own mental journey?

This article is a speech shared by Mrs. Tiffany at the LikeCoin AMA on September 16, 2022. Through LikeCoin Writing NFT and recording in Matters, it will be permanently preserved.

Hello everyone, my name is Tiffany, a founder of a "social enterprise" in Hong Kong, serving people with autism.

Although, I am indeed only a "girl in the world", but because I have engaged in family counseling and "career planning" training for autistic people; in the past 15 years, I have been very fortunate to be recognized internationally and well-known in the industry. , such as "Humanity Year Award" and "HKICT Award Annual Award", etc.

Don't just look at me at this moment, you can share fluently and speak eloquently. In fact... a year ago, a severe stroke caused me to "die" for nearly half of my whole being, inside and out! Slurred speech, unable to speak, even swallowing boiled water, I have to use coagulation powder...

Because a year ago, I experienced a large-scale "ischemic stroke" in the "brain stem".

That is, I have 70% of my brain stem cells completely dead! As a result, 10 of the 12 pairs of "cranial nerves" controlled by my brain stem were severely damaged, resulting in hemiplegia, and only my heartbeat and breathing were left.

But... I don't want to give up on myself! I also don't want any of the young people I love with special academic disabilities to lose the chance to "be seen" in the future.

Over the past year or so, I have persisted in a systematic way and made good use of the "forced to stay at home" period during the epidemic to re-learn self-care, housework, and HITT (High Intensity Interval Training) to exercise myself. With all my strength, I survived the difficult "Golden Rehabilitation Period"; now, I have begun to rejoin the society~

But...... physical strength, but has not been as good as before.

I know in my heart that my "SEN social enterprise" may not be able to continue to use the training mode that has consumed a lot of my spirit, mental strength and physical fitness as it used to be.

This time, it should be... It will be the last project in my life that I hope I can "practice myself"~

While I am working hard on rehabilitation every day, I am struggling to learn how to be more purposeful, build a Web 3.0 community "KiiTOS Galaxy", and set up a creative fund "iCare Foundation".

Every disabled person is a diamond that can be polished

In the future, no matter whether there is my Tiffany in the world...

I sincerely hope that everyone can do it, and so can children with special learning disabilities! Free, equal, and openly, in the world of Web 3.0, everyone can update by themselves. Through what I believe in Web 3.0, the "decentralized" community power, and even pass it on from generation to generation, everyone can live forever. In the continuation, you can creatively explore the boundless... Galaxy while you are still alive.

KiiTOS Galaxy will operate in the NFT Community mode, and 80% of the amount will be allocated to the daily operations of the "Creation Fund" and "Social Enterprise Studio"; The "works" of the creator" and re-NFT; our team will also continue to hold online creative activities in the Web 3.0 community.

KiiTOS is Finnish, which means "thank people"; everyone in this KiiTOS Galaxy community will be called "KiiTOS Hero".

Because, I firmly believe that each of us must have at least one "happy" and "thankful" cell in our heart: "KiiTOS Cell".

I hope that every "specially disabled person" supported by KiiTOS Galaxy, regardless of their race, background or age, can be confident, joyful, creative, and brave in adversity and self-improvement. Challenge the vitality of the future.

Tonight, I would like to invite everyone to support me. With my "simple faith" and my "immortal fighting spirit", we will start KiiTOS Galaxy, a Web 3.0 community with unlimited creativity and boundless love.

Thank you so much for listening to my story, thank you.

In the future, we can meet at Web3.

Always On The Go Studio Website: https://www.alwaysonthego.vip

KiiTOS Galaxy NFT Opensea URL: https://opensea.io/collection/kiitos-galaxy

(This article is Tiffany's shared speech in the LikeCoin AMA on September 16, 2022)


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